FAQs: ACD emails

Can I block email from specific email addresses?

You can block specific email addresses from sending emails to your agents…. [More]

Can I route to a different location based on a word in the subject line?

To route to a different location based on a word in the… [More]

Can I route to a different location based on the sender’s email address?

To route to a different location based on the domain-part of the… [More]

How do I enable multiple actions on an email interaction?

Administrators can enable multiple actions on a single email that allows agent… [More]

How does Genesys Cloud handle email flagged as containing a virus?

Genesys Cloud processes inbound email through AWS Simple Email Service (SES), which… [More]

How does Genesys Cloud handle email marked as spam?

Email can be true spam or incorrectly marked as spam. Genesys Cloud leverages Amazon SES… [More]

How does Genesys Cloud thread email messages?

To provide agents with as much context as possible for customer replies,… [More]

If my AWS region is different from the AWS region used for ACD email, where is my ACD email data stored?

In some cases, the AWS region used for ACD email differs from… [More]

Is there a character limit for string variables in Architect email flows?

In Architect, the limit for string variables is 32000 characters.

What are ACD email message and attachment size limits?

ACD email messages and attachments are subject to size limitations. 

What do the timers in an interaction mean?

Interactions can have three timers: The interaction alert notification features a timer… [More]

What does Not responding mean?

When you decline or fail to answer an interaction within the Alerting… [More]

Why do I get error messages when setting up a custom MAIL FROM domain?

If you use your own MAIL FROM domain, you must meet Amazon… [More]

Why does predictive routing data model retraining fail?

Retraining fails due to insufficient data for certain media types, because of… [More]

Why does predictive routing fail to activate correctly?

An error occurs either because of insufficient data to create a data… [More]

Why is an email routed from a queue to an agent no longer in that queue?

For emails and messages, Genesys Cloud routes the interaction to the previous… [More]