FAQs: Dialogflow
Google Cloud Dialogflow design time issues in Architect flow
Make sure to set the correct Bot language locale for your bot… [More]
How can I select the Google Cloud Dialogflow text-to-speech voice?
To apply your preferred text-to-speech voice, in the Google Cloud Dialogflow console… [More]
How do I configure barge-in for my Google Cloud Dialogflow bot?
You can enable barge-in functionality for the Call Dialogflow Bot action in… [More]
How does Genesys bill text-to-speech (TTS) with Google Cloud Dialogflow?
When Google text-to-speech (TTS) plays back within Google Cloud Dialogflow, Genesys includes the usage fees with the Dialogflow pricing. This process also applies to Genesys Enhanced TTS, as long as you select Google Voices. However, TTS usage fees still apply when TTS plays within the call flow before or after the Call Dialogflow action. You must install the Google TTS integration or Genesys Enhanced TTS for Architect in order to select the appropriate language playback within Google Cloud Dialogflow.
What roles do I add to my Google Cloud Dialogflow service account?
Grant the Dialogflow API Client and Dialogflow API Reader roles to the service account…. [More]
Which text-to-speech (TTS) engine performs the TTS playback when using the Google Cloud Dialogflow CX integration in an Architect call flow?
Text-to-speech (TTS) playback depends on the voice you choose in Architect: If… [More]
Why can’t I see multiple bots in the GCP console?
Google only allows one bot per project. To see multiple bots, create… [More]
Why do I see a Google Cloud Dialogflow validation warning?
Do you see the following validation warning: “There are no Architect supported… [More]
Why doesn’t my Google Cloud Dialogflow intent appear as an output in Architect?
To appear as an output in Architect, when you create an intent… [More]