FAQs: Access control

Can I bulk export, archive or delete certain call recording segments instead of full recordings?

You cannot bulk export, archive or delete specific call recording segments instead… [More]

Can users access data in the division they belong to?

A user can be a configuration object within a division. However, an… [More]

I cannot move an object into a division

If you are unable to move an object into a division, confirm… [More]

I see a limited number of objects in administrator views

You may not have appropriate permission to access certain divisions. From an… [More]

I see data differences in the Skills Performance views

Depending on access vontrols, metrics between two supervisors in a single division… [More]

My Queue Activity View shows agents outside of my divisions

When a supervisor has access to the Queue Activity view, they see… [More]

My scheduled reports fail to run after configuring access control

You may have lost access to the objects you select for the… [More]

The Agent Transfer view shows all users (or queues) in the system

Make sure that you have access to the appropriate division in order… [More]

Why do I see all user and queues data in divisions to which I don’t belong?

You can view user and queue information in certain views, regardless of… [More]