FAQs: Geolocation
How does my current geolocation sync between the browser or desktop apps and the mobile app?
If you log in from multiple clients, then Genesys Cloud reports your… [More]
How much detail about my geolocation do others see?
In the United States, Genesys Cloud collects and displays the city and… [More]
How often is geolocation data updated?
Your reported geolocation updates whenever your network experiences a change. Examples of… [More]
Is the history of my geolocations stored?
Genesys Cloud stores only your latest and only for one hour.
Is there a timeout for geolocation data?
Your last reported times out after an hour. If, for example, you… [More]
What are the differences between locations, geolocations, and sites in Genesys Cloud?
Genesys Cloud includes three independent concepts that people often call locations: A… [More]
What if I don’t want to share my geolocation?
If you choose not to share your geolocation or turn off geolocation… [More]
What is the geolocation display for international locations?
A is a geographic area that Genesys Cloud determines by IP address…. [More]
Why does my geolocation sometimes display incorrectly?
This may occur when the browser API returns an approximate for the… [More]