About phones in the Genesys Cloud embedded clients

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework, Genesys Cloud for Chrome, Genesys Cloud for Firefox, Genesys Cloud for Microsoft Teams, Genesys Cloud for Salesforce, and Genesys Cloud for Zendesk.

Phone selection

You can select a phone at login or at any time. When you select a phone in either the client or Genesys Cloud, your phone automatically changes in the other application.

WebRTC phones

Review the requirements for WebRTC phones and information about the browser window. 

You can test and change your WebRTC phone settings when you first select the phone or at any time from the Settings section.

Call forwarding

You can configure the client to forward calls to a different phone number.

Persistent connection

After your first call (inbound or outbound), the client establishes a connection to your phone.

Configure ringing behavior

If you use Genesys Cloud alongside the client, change your settings so that alerting interactions do not ring in both applications. 


For problems with phones, browse troubleshooting information about individual issues. Before working with Customer Care, enable server-side logging.

Additional resources