Client interface in the Genesys Cloud embedded clients

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework, Genesys Cloud for Chrome, Genesys Cloud for Firefox, Genesys Cloud for Microsoft Teams, Genesys Cloud for Salesforce, and Genesys Cloud for Zendesk.

You can access commonly used items, such as phone selection or interactions, through Menu or Arrow at the top of the client.

You can quickly access often used tasks, views, and settings under Menu .

If your inbox contains new notifications, an orange burst appears on Menu and User Inbox .

Note: Interaction Log does not appear in the client menu for Genesys Cloud for Chrome or Genesys Cloud for Firefox. Agent Performance, User Inbox, Agent Schedule, and Queue Activation only appear in the menu if your administrator has given you access.

Client menu with notifications

For more information, see Interactions, View and edit interaction logs, New Interaction, View agent performance statistics, User Inbox, View your schedule, Queue activation, SettingsGenesys Cloud, and Help.

You can quickly access status, phone, and call settings under Arrow .

  • Change your status.
    Note: You can also change your status from the status bar at the bottom of the client.
  • Change your phone.
  • If you are using a WebRTC phone, you can change the phone settings (Chrome browsers only).
  • If persistent connection is enabled, you can stop the persistent connection.
  • If you have call forwarding turned on, you can access the settings for call forwarding.
Note: Statuses and phones sync with Genesys Cloud.

Status list

For more information, see StatusesAbout phones, Call forwarding, Persistent connection, and Out of adherence.

For more information about the integrations, see About Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework, About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce, About Genesys Cloud for Microsoft Teams, and About Genesys Cloud for Zendesk.