Channel, bot, and touchpoint capabilities feature comparison

Compare Genesys Cloud channel capabilities, bot support for media types, and knowledge support for touchpoints. These rich media options share many features with Genesys Cloud and other messaging channels.

Channel capabilities

This table describes the currently supported or not supported channel capabilities by select channels.

  Supported     |        Not supported



Other file types Quick Replies Cards
Carousels Rich Text
Typing indicators Co-browse Agent Initiated Messaging Campaigns Notification API

Learn more

Web Messaging


About web messaging

Facebook messenger

Configure ACD messaging for Facebook Messenger



Configure ACD messaging for WhatsApp Messenger


Configure ACD Messaging for Instagram Direct Messaging

SMS Messaging

About SMS messaging

Open Messaging

About open messaging

Bot support for media types

This table describes the media types that are currently supported or not supported by select bots.

  Supported     |        Not supported
Bot Images
Other file types Quick Replies Cards Carousels Rich Text
Learn more
Genesys Digital Bot Flows About Genesys Digital Bot Flows
Amazon Lex V1 About the Amazon Lex V1 integration  
Google Dialogflow ES About the Google Cloud Dialogflow ES integration
Google Dialogflow CX About the Google Cloud Dialogflow CX integration
Bot Connector About Genesys Bot Connector
Nuance Mix Dialog About the Nuance Mix integration

Knowledge support for media types

This table describes the media types that are currently supported or not supported by knowledge articles.

  Supported     |        Not supported
Touchpoint Images
Images with hyperlinks Video Hyperlinks Emails as hyperlinks Tables Formatting Attachments Font size Font
Bullets, numbering, and paragraph indents Learn more
Knowledge workbench About the knowledge workbench V2
Knowledge portal About the knowledge portal 
Agent Assist About Genesys Agent Assist
Knowledge App for Messenger* * Messenger Homescreen and knowledge articles overview
Genesys Digital Bot Flows About Genesys Digital Bot Flows

*Knowledge App for Messenger does not currently support paragraph indentation or headings.