About Genesys Digital Bot Flows

Build Genesys Digital Bot Flows within Architect and then integrate them into Architect message flows. This process unifies the bot and flow authoring experience for administrators, flow authors, and contact center managers. Genesys supports third-party TTS engines. This feature is not PCI DSS-compliant. Best practice recommends that you do not use them in Architect secure call flows. In a future release, Genesys Digital Bot Flows will be PCI DSS compliant. For information about PCI DSS , see PCI DSS compliance.

Genesys Digital Bot Flows features and concepts

Build a bot flow in Architect

Bot flow settings and resources

Bot flow actions and tasks

Understand the available Architect actions that you can implement into your digital bots and flows.

Enhance a bot flow in Architect with advanced features

Understand intent health

Intent health helps guide you as you build out your intents and gives you the tools to improve more easily and accurately the performance of your intents and training utterances.

Add knowledge to Genesys Digital Bot Flows

The knowledge workbench allows a knowledge author to create and manage knowledge articles, fine-tune the search process, and view the performance of knowledge bases. Knowledge bases are sets of predefined knowledge articles that respond to queries by customers.

Use intent miner to mine intents in Genesys Digital Bot Flows

Intent miner analyzes chat, message, and transcripts, or recordings, to determine customer intents and utterances, and also topics and phrases, that you can refine and customize, and then import into a bot.

Work with rich media in message interactions

Administrators can set up quick replies and cards in bot conversations. Quick replies are responses that customers can select as a reply during a message interaction. Quick replies allow for fast and structured responses, enabling you to offer simple, guided answers to direct messages by choosing from a list of options. Cards are bot responses that contain an image, title, body, and list of buttons. Customers can interact with the cards by clicking a button.

Additional resources