Work with utterances

Utterances are sample phrases that a user would use to describe what they want to do. For example, “Book a room for Tuesday” or “I want to reserve a room for tomorrow.” Both of these utterances convey the same intent: to book a room for tomorrow. 

When creating sample utterances, try to create variations and a wide range of semantics for each intent. Best practice recommends that you create multiple variations of the same phrase.

You do not need a separate utterance for every possible value; for example, “Book a room for Monday,” “Book a room for Tuesday,” and “Book a room for Wednesday.” Instead, use separate utterances to store different variations of the same phrase, and add slots to map specific words and phrases to the utterance.


Add an utterance

  1. Create a bot flow or open an existing one. The Bot Flow page opens.
  2. Under Natural Language Understanding, click Intents.
  3. Select the intent to which you want to add an utterance.
  4. Under Utterances, in the Type a new Utterance here box, type an utterance and press Enter.
  5. Add more utterances to the intent, as needed.

Edit an utterance

  • Click an utterance and modify the information, as required.

    Map slots to utterances

    • After you create slots with the associated slot types, make sure to map specific words and phrases in the utterances to the correct slots. You can map slots to utterances after you create slots with the associated slot types, or you can create new slots from the Utterance page. For more information, see Map slots to utterances.

    Delete an utterance

    • Next to the utterance you want to remove, click Delete .

    Search utterances

    • Use the Search filter to locate all utterances that use a specific keyword. This feature is useful when you have many utterances for your intent. In the Search field, type a word to locate all instances of that word in multiple utterances.