Insights and Optimizations menu overview

  • To view Bot Performance reports:
    • Analytics > Bot Aggregate > View permission
    • Architect > Flow > Search permission
  • To view Interaction reports:
    • Analytics > Conversation Aggregate > View permission
    • Analytics > Conversation Detail > View permission
    • One of the following:
      • Conversation > Communication > View permission
      • Quality > Calibration > View permission
      • Quality > Evaluation > Add or Edit Score permission
  • To access intent miner: 
    • Language Understanding > Miner > Add, Delete, Execute, Upload, View permissions
    • Language Understanding > Miner Intent > View permission
    • Language Understanding > Draft > Add, Delete, Edit, View permissions
    • Speech & Text Analytics > ​Topic > Add, View permissions
  • To work with learning for your bot:
    • Language Understanding > Draft > View permission
    • Language Understanding > Feedback > View permission

The Insights and Optimizations menu appears in Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows and Genesys Digital Bot Flows. This menu enables you to efficiently measure performance and identify enhancement opportunities within a unified workspace. You can access the optimization dashboard, intent miner, bot performance reports, and flow optimizer. 

Insights and Optimizations menu

From the Insights and Optimizations menu, you can perform these tasks:

Menu item Description
Optimization Dashboard

Click the Optimization dashboard to view performance and high-level operational metrics for a selected Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flow or Genesys Digital Bot Flow. This data helps you improve and troubleshoot your bot flows. You can also filter these results by specifying a date range or a configured language. Here, you can see and perform the following metrics and tasks:

  • Total bot interactions, average duration, and average turns.
  • The state in which the bot ends, including abandoned, agent escalation, recognition failure, and error.
  • Top bot flow actions that contain issues for review.
  • Access the Utterance History view associated with the bot.
  • Access the Learning view. This view displays utterances from users that interact with the bot.
Intent Miner Click this menu item to open the intent miner. In this view, you can mine intents, utterances, topics, phrases from chat and call recordings. 
Bot Performance Reports

Click this menu item to open the Bot Performance Detail view. This view displays operational bot data, such as the number of entries, durations, number of turns, and intents.

Note: Genesys opens the Bot Performance Detail report filtered by the bot that you are currently in when you select the report.

However, when you access the report from Genesys Cloud > Performance > Workspace > Bot Performance, the view displays report details for all bots.

Interaction Reports

Click this menu item to open the Interactions view. This view displays in-progress and complete interactions.

Note: Genesys opens the Interactions report filtered by the bot that you are currently in when you select the report.

However, when you access the report from Genesys Cloud > Performance > Workspace > Interactions, the view displays report details for all interactions.