Series: Set up groups

Add group members

Note: On the Membership tab, Genesys Cloud always displays the total number of members of a group, including inactive members.
Genesys Cloud features two kinds of groups: general groups and skill expression groups. How you add members depends on the kind of group. To add members to either type of group, first do the following:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Directory, click Groups.
  3. For a General group, click the General tab. For a Skill Expression group, click the Skill Expression tab.
  4. Click the name of the group that you want to edit.

Add people as general group members individually, or create a rule that adds a group of people at once and automates changes in group membership. For more information, see Group membership rules.

Note: For best results, temporarily disable group calls while you add members.

Add members individually 

  • When you add someone individually, changes to membership rules do not affect their membership.
  • Genesys recommends that you limit the members that you add individually to 1000.
  1. On the right side of the Membership tab, click Edit. The static group membership tab with Edit in a box
  2.  Click the Individuals tab.The static group membership tab with the Individuals tab in a box
  3. At the bottom, in the Add Person box, begin to type the name of the person you want to add and select it when it appears.
  4. Click Save.

Add members with a rule by keyword

Use a membership rule by keyword to include or exclude people with a certain tag on their profile page.

For example:  Your organization wants to create a group for everyone who has the latest company safety certification, the ASC. You can create a rule with one keyword to include everyone with an ASC tag in the Certifications section of their profiles. For more information, see Add tags to your profile.

  1. On the right side of the Membership tab, click EditThe static group membership tab with Edit in a box
  2. To define a rule that includes people, click the Inclusions tab.
    Alternatively, to define a rule that excludes people, click the Exclusions tab. The static group membership tab with the Inclusions and Exclusions tabs in boxes
  3. In the Add Keyword box, begin typing the term.
  4. Click the keyword when it appears.
  5. Click Save.

Add members with a rule by relationship 

Use a membership rule by relationship to include or exclude people who have a connection to the same person in the reporting structure.

For example:  Tanya is head of the Technical Publications department. Tanya wants a group chat room to discuss developments on the new product line, which includes most people in her department. However, Tim and his team, who report to Tanya, work on a different product line. Tanya needs a group with everyone who reports to her except Tim and his people. Tanya can accomplish her task with two relationship rules:
  • Include Tanya, her direct reports, and her distant reports
  • Exclude Tim, his direct reports, and his distant reports

  1. On the right side of the Membership tab, click EditThe static group membership tab with Edit in a box
  2. To define a rule that includes people, click the Inclusions tab.
    Alternatively, to define a rule that excludes people, click Exclusions tab.The static group membership tab with the Inclusions and Exclusions tabs in boxes
  3. In the Add Person box, begin to type the name of the person to be the base of the relationship rule.
  4. Click the name when it appears.
  5. To the right, click the buttons that define the relationship:
    The add group members by relationship panel
    • Superiors: Everyone up the chain from the person’s manager
    • Manager: Who the person reports directly to
    • Self: The person who is the base of the rule
    • Peers: Anyone who also reports directly to the person’s manager
    • Direct Reports: Everyone who reports directly to the person
    • Distant Reports: Everyone down the chain from the person’s direct reports
  6. Click Save.

Add members to a skill expression group

To manage membership based on ACD skills, make sure that your agents have the appropriate ACD skills assigned.

  1. On the right side of the Membership tab, click Build Skill Expression.
    The Skill Expressions panel appears.
  2. To add an expression, click Add .
  3. Under Condition 1, in the Select Skill box, begin to type a skill or language and select the skill or language from the list.
  4. From the Select Operator list, select the operator that you want to use. You can select from these relational operators:
    • equals (==)
    • not equals (!=)
    • greater than (>)
    • greater than or equal to (>=)
    • less than (<)
    • less than or equal to (<=)
  5. From the Select Skill Level list, select the skill level that you want to use.
  6. Optionally, to add a subcondition, to the right of the expression, click Add .
    1. Click the logical operator. You can select from these logical operators:
      • AND
      • OR 
      • NOT
    2. To build your subcondition expression, repeat steps from 6 through 8.
  7. Optionally, to add more conditions, repeat steps from 5 through 8.
  8. Click Save.
    The expression you build appears in the box under Skill Expressions.

  • Skill expression groups are dynamic. If you modify a skill or proficiency value for an agent, it can impact their membership in a skill expression group.
  • Changes can take up to a minute for membership to take effect.

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