Groups overview

Genesys Cloud groups organize people with similar traits. For example, employees who share common skills, relationships, locations, or other information maintained in Genesys Cloud.

Genesys Cloud features two kinds of groups: general groups and skill expression groups.


General groups can be work-related—or social. You can create general groups for anything. Examples include the following:

  • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): You could have SME’s use groups so that they can let others in the organization know the most up-to-date information.
  • Projects: You could have groups related to projects so that the entire project team can remain abreast of updates related to specific projects.
  • Locations: Groups can make sure that everyone in a specific place knows that there is free food in the break room.
  • Social reasons: Want to find people to go rock climbing with this weekend? With general groups, you can create a specific rock climbers’ group, and others with that interest can join it.

When someone adds you to a general group, you can use the chat feature to chat with specific members of the group or everyone at once. Or you can just monitor a group, to stay informed.

To find a general group, browse the groups, in the directory. Or search for a specific group by name.

General groups have profile pages, just like people. Group profile pages allow you to see who is a member of the group. You can make the group a favorite or just start a group chat.

  • General groups and chat rooms are similar, but they are not the same.
  • When you create a general group, Genesys Cloud simultaneously creates an associated chat room with the same name.
  • When you delete a general group, Genesys Cloud does not delete the associated chat room. 
  • You cannot delete a Genesys Cloud chat room. Recently Closed always lists the last 20 items you closed.
  • You can be a member of up to 100 official and 100 social groups.
  • Genesys recommends that you limit the number of groups per org to 500.
  • Genesys Cloud does not create corresponding chat rooms for skill expression groups.

For more information about how to create a general group as an admin, see Create a group.

For more information about how to add members to a group, see Add group members.

Skill expression groups allow admins to set queue membership to set agent groups that update membership, dynamically, based on ACD skill conditions definitions. Skill expressions include the skill and the proficiency. For example, the following expression adds agents whose English skill is greater than 3:

(English > 3)

  • You can have up to 300 skill expression groups. If you need to create more than 300, contact Customer Care.
  • A skill expression group can contain up to 10 primary conditions. Each primary condition can include up to 10 subconditions.
  • You can be a member of up to 100 total groups, whether general or skill expression.
  • Genesys Cloud does not create chat rooms for skill expression groups.

For more information about how to create a skill expression group as an admin, see Create a group.

For more information about how to create skill expressions to populate skill expression groups, see Add group members.