Series: Set up groups

Configure a group phone number

Feature coming soon: Require Confirmation – When group ring dials remote stations setting.
  • Edge version or later
  • Communicate license
  • A Direct Inward Dialing (DID) number or extension assigned to group members

And the following permissions:

  • To view voicemail settings: Voicemail > Grouppolicy > View
  • To edit voicemail settings: Voicemail > Grouppolicy > Edit
  • To receive voicemail: Voicemail > Voicemail > Receive
  • To enforce valid voicemail policy and enable group ring for remote phones: Telephony > Plugin > All

Group calls

A Genesys Cloud group phone number allows members of a group to receive phone calls. When a caller dials the group number, Genesys Cloud uses the configured routing type to connect the caller with the appropriate agent.

  • To receive group ring alerts, group members must have a DID number or extension assigned to them. For more information, see DID assignments or Extension assignments.
  • Group ring users who have a default station receive group ring alerts even when they are not logged in.
  • Only official members of the group receive group ring calls. Official members of a group are Genesys Cloud users that an administrator adds to the group.
  • For an owner to receive group ring calls, the owner of the group must also be a member.
  • Genesys Cloud uses call analysis to verify delivery of calls to remote phones. Therefore, to avoid disconnection, users must answer with a verbal response.

  • Genesys Cloud does not alert group members who have call forwarding enabled. It also does not alert members whose presence is Busy, Break, Meeting, Training, Meal, or Out of Office. Genesys Cloud only alerts group members who have selected a station. Group members can see missed group calls in their call history. For more information, see Presence, status, and activity indicators overview and Will the default station still ring if the user is not logged in? (FAQ).
  • Genesys Cloud users who are members of more than one group and are eligible for alerts can receive alerts while on another group ring call for a different group.
  • Genesys Cloud users who are members of a group and are eligible for group ring alerts can receive alerts while on an active ACD call.
  • Genesys Cloud routes group voicemails to the Default Voicemail Flow in Architect. For more information, see Work with the voicemail flow.

Genesys Cloud offers several options to customize your group experience:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Directory, click Groups.
  3. Click the name of the group that you want to edit.
  4. On the right side of the Membership tab, Click Enable Calls and then click Edit.
  5. In the Group Phone Number box, type the phone number for the group.
  6. Optionally, in the Extension box, type the extension for the group. 
  7. Click Save.

The group phone number appears in the group contact information.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Directory, click Groups.
  3. Click the name of the group that you want to edit.
  4. On the right side of the Membership tab, click Enable Calls and then click Edit.
  5. From the Call Route Type list, click one of the following options:
    • Broadcast – When a group receives a call, Genesys Cloud randomly alerts 15 members simultaneously with a maximum of 1,000 members in rotation. If no member answers, Genesys Cloud continues to alert members in groups of 15 until someone answers or the call times out.
    • Sequential – When a group receives a call, Genesys Cloud alerts the first person in the list of group members. Use the check boxes to designate the sequence of the members. The member you designate as 1 receives all calls first. To save the sequence, press Enter and then click Save.
    • Rotary – When a group receives a call, Genesys Cloud alerts the next person in the list of group members after the person who received the last call.
  1. In the Rotate Calls box, type the number of seconds after which Genesys Cloud calls the next set of 15 randomly selected group members.
  • If any of your group members use the Communicate mobile app, Genesys recommends that you set Rotate Calls to no less than 30 seconds. If you set Rotate Calls to a value lower than 30 seconds, Genesys does not support calls with Communicate.
  • Genesys Cloud uses a group member’s presence to determine if they are available to receive calls. 
  • There is no way to guarantee which group members receive calls. However, Genesys Cloud does not reselect a group member who received a call in an earlier rotation.
  1. In the Stop Ringing box, type the total number of rotations to happen before Genesys Cloud ends the call or transfers it to voicemail.
  • Genesys Cloud dynamically calculates the max ring time and displays it under the fields.
  • If there is not another set of users to ring before reaching the full number of rotations, the call rolls to voicemail or disconnects. For example, if the number of rotations is 10, but there are only 30 available group members, then only two rotations occur. Then the call either rolls to voicemail or disconnects.
  • The max ring time that appears below these fields helps you determine the values of the Rotate Calls and Stop Ringing fields. However, it does not always represent how long calls to the group actually ring, which depends on the number of available group members. Group members are available to take calls based on their presence
  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Directory, click Groups.
  3. Click the name of the group that you want to edit.
  4. On the right side of the Membership tab, Click Enable Calls and then click Edit.
  5. To designate a back-up group, under Overflow, enable Back-up Contact. Then type the first few letters of the group name in the box and click the group name when it appears.
Note: If Genesys Cloud routes a call to the back-up group, it distributes the call as a broadcast call. It does not follow any of the other predefined call handling rules for the group, ensuring that someone answers as quickly as possible. Calls roll to voicemail if you have enabled it and no one in the back-up group answers. If the original group does not have voicemail configured, then the call disconnects. 
  1. Click Save.
  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Directory, click Groups.
  3. Click the name of the group that you want to edit.
  4. On the right side of the Membership tab, Click Enable Calls and then click Edit.
  5. To enable voicemail for the group, under Overflow, enable Voicemail.

After the maximum number of rotations occurs, when enabled, Genesys Cloud automatically rolls the call to voicemail. When not enabled, Genesys Cloud automatically disconnects the call.

  • Official group members and group owners who are also members can check group voicemails through their existing inbox. For more information, see Check voicemail.
  • When a group member acts on a group voicemail, it affects all group members. For example, after a group member listens to a group voicemail, it is no longer a new voicemail. While it remains in the group voicemail box, other group members do not hear the message that indicates that a new message is available. Similarly, if a group member deletes a group voicemail, then no other group member can access it.
  1. When you turn on voicemail, Genesys Cloud offers more options that you can configure:
    •  Greeting: When you enable voicemail, Genesys Cloud provides a default greeting, but you can record your own:
      • To record a custom greeting, click the red circle and begin speaking.
      • To stop recording, click Stop .
      • To listen to your recording, Play .
        Note: Group owners can record custom greetings for their groups without the Telephony and Voicemail > Grouppolicy permissions.
      • To upload an audio file, click Options. Then click Upload an audio file and select the audio file to upload. Click Open.
        Note: You can upload either a .wav file or an .ogg file that uses the Opus audio codec.
      • To reset a custom greeting to the default greeting, click Options. Then click Reset to default.
    • Email Notifications: To send all group members an email notification when a new voicemail arrives in the voicemail box for the group, enable Email Notifications
      • By default, email notifications do not contain personally identifiable information (PII).
      • If you enable Email Notification, the option to include PII appears. To include PII in notifications, enable Allow PII in Email Notifications. If your organization is HIPAA-compliant, then this option is unavailable.
      • To receive email notifications, a group owner must also be a member of the group.
      • If you enable PII in email notifications for voicemails, you can have Genesys Cloud transcribe the content of those voicemails. To turn on transcription, enable Transcriptions and from the list of languages, click the language you want.
  1. To finish, click Save.

By default, when you configure Group Ring for remote phones, a Genesys technology called Call Analysis determines whether a live person answers the remote phone or something else, such as voicemail answers. This technology minimizes the chance for a customer call to go to voicemail, an answering machine, or to result in some sort of error.

In some situations, call analysis incorrectly identifies a remote agent’s default greeting as an answering machine. If you encounter this behavior, you can enable Require Confirmation – When group ring dials remote stations and bypass the Call Analysis feature. When you do, remote agents who are on the group ring receive a prompt to press 1 to accept a call.

To enable this setting:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Global Telephony Settings.
  3. Enable When group ring dials remote stations.
  4. Click Save.

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