Genesys Cloud - metrics tag

List of the Genesys Cloud release notes that include the metrics release notes tag.
March 3, 2021

Contact center

  • Content Search view for voice transcripts
  • Search interactions for SIP signaling information for all regions
  • Route voice interactions based on external contact information
  • Record ACD agent consult calls
  • Screen recording limit increase

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February 17, 2021


  • Make and receive WebRTC calls on Android devices

Contact center

  • Search interactions for SIP signaling information for selected regions
  • Agent evaluation comment indicator
  • Call recording playback and transcription synchronization
  • Voice transcription support for BYOC Premises
  • Frequency capping on Predictive Engagement web action offers


  • AWS Lambda data actions integration enhancement


  • Predictive Engagement webhooks deprecation
  • Journey history data retention period change

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January 27, 2021


  • Make and receive WebRTC calls on iPhones

Contact center

  • Scheduled Callbacks view usability enhancements
  • Export view data advanced options
  • Analytics Aggregates API for sentiment analysis on digital interactions


  • Restore deleted OAuth clients
  • Set Collaborate chat message retention

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January 13, 2021


  • DID and toll-free number management enhancements

Contact center

  • Sentiment analysis for digital interactions
  • Voice transcription enhancement in speech and text analytics API
  • Undo or redo changes to a workforce management work plan
  • Genesys Predictive Engagement rebranding


  • Export Media Types and Role real-time columns data into .csv files deprecation
  • Limit journey and interaction history for external contacts and organizations to 365 days deprecation

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December 16, 2020

Contact center

  • Queues Activity Detail view usability improvement
  • Performance Dashboards enhancement
  • Voice transcription search improvements
  • Predictive Engagement integration with Adobe Analytics
  • Chat emoji enhancement
  • Canned responses editor improvement


  • Analytics User Detail Endpoint API query interval change
  • Analytics Conversation Detail Endpoint API query interval change
  • Limit journey and interaction history for external contacts and organizations to 365 days postponement

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December 2, 2020


  • Genesys Cloud Voice in Austria, Poland, and Portugal
  • BYOC Cloud certificate renewal

Contact center

  • Granular permissions for scheduling, call routing, and emergencies
  • Performance dashboards enhancements
  • New columns in agent views
  • Journey aggregate query enhancement in Analytics API

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November 18, 2020

Contact center

  • Agent-owned records for preview campaigns
  • Speech and text analytics settings improvement
  • Service level calculation enhancement
  • Access partial availability time stamp in Analytics API
  • Interactions panel improvement


  • Release Notes now include feature subscriptions

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October 28, 2020

Contact center

  • Introducing workforce management work plan rotations
  • Add an interaction to an existing coaching appointment
  • Interaction’s detail page improvements
  • WEM add-on price reduction
  • Routing Used filter and column in Performance views
  • Provider filter in Performance views


  • Screen recording policy changes for Genesys Cloud 2 users postponement

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October 14, 2020


  • Configure beep tones for line recording

Contact center

  • Email Performance view reports
  • Analytics Aggregates Endpoint API for sentiment analysis


  • Introducing the Microsoft Teams integration


  • Disable Collaborate video


  • Limit interaction history for external contacts and organizations to 30 days deprecation
  • Default word confidence change in speech and text analytics settings

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September 23, 2020

Contact center

  • Introducing sentiment analysis
  • Enhanced player on interaction detail page
  • Richer customer journey context for agents
  • Business hours scheduling for Predictive Engagement web chats
  • Change history log for Predictive Engagement
  • Configurable default prompts in Genesys Dialog Engine


  • IP addresses for emails sent using the custom SMTP server integration


  • Export Media Types and Role real-time columns data into .csv files deprecation

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September 9, 2020


  • Force TURN additional IP addresses

Contact center

  • Create Architect flows from YAML files
  • Build custom PDF reports from Performance views


  • Analytics User Detail Endpoint API query interval change
  • Analytics Conversation Detail Endpoint API query interval change
  • Analytics Conversation Detail Endpoint API maximum record per query change

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August 26, 2020

Contact center

  • UK English and Australian English voice transcription support
  • View an agent’s secondary status in select views
  • Contact list filters for messaging campaigns
  • Export skill and language group queue metrics in Queues Performance Detail view


  • Introducing Genesys Cloud for Salesforce SDK


  • The Resource Center has a new name

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August 5, 2020

Contact center

  • Limit on number of exported entities in aggregate Performance views


  • Introducing Google data actions integration


  • View organization configuration changes with audit log viewer

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July 29, 2020


  • Port DID number management enhancement for Genesys Cloud Voice

Contact center

  • View agent workforce management schedules on Android devices
  • Google Dialogflow integration in Architect chat and messaging flows
  • Digital flow support for Flow Performance views
  • New filters for Flow Performance views
  • Performance Dashboards enhancement


  • TLS 1.1 protocol deprecation removal

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July 15, 2020


  • DID and toll-free number management enhancements

Contact center

  • External Calling dialing mode for outbound campaigns
  • Reset Performance views to default settings
  • Filter by multiple items in Performance views
  • Filter by skills and languages in Skills Performance view
  • Launch workflows from the Architect API
  • Contact verification and interaction history enhancements for all regions

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July 1, 2020


  • TLS transport protocol for BYOC Cloud trunks
  • Force TURN for WebRTC implementations
  • Network capture for troubleshooting

Contact center

  • Google Dialogflow environments for an Architect flow
  • New Date Span options for Metric widgets in Performance Dashboards
  • Supervisor actions in Agent Status widget in Performance Dashboards
  • Contact verification and interaction history enhancements for additional selected regions


  • Long polling for Genesys Cloud clients and network configurations deprecation removal
  • Data sync connector deprecation update
  • Web services data dip connector deprecation update

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June 24, 2020

Contact center

  • Contact verification and interaction history enhancements for selected regions
  • Add Workforce Engagement Management to subscriptions
  • Template messages for agents using WhatsApp
  • Increased limit for Agent Performance views filters
  • Digital flow outcome functionality in Architect and Analytics API
  • Assign Google Dialogflow bot events for non-responsive callers
  • Barge-in functionality for Google Dialogflow enabled by default


  • Introducing Adobe data actions integration
  • Introducing Adobe Experience Platform integration for profile lookup


  • Screen recording, evaluations, and surveys permissions change

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June 10, 2020


  • Genesys Cloud Voice in London

Contact center

  • New columns in Queues views, Skills view, DNIS views, and Performance Dashboards
  • New filters in Skills and DNIS views
  • New columns in Interactions view
  • New filters in Interactions view


  • New dimensions and metric in Analytics API
  • Use a single grant type across regions for secure authentication
  • Journey JavaScript SDK enhancement for refined tracking and segmentation
  • Journey JavaScript SDK enhancement for web actions

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May 13, 2020

Contact center

  • New columns in agent views
  • New filters in agent views
  • Fax enhancements


  • TLS 1.1 protocol deprecation

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May 6, 2020

Contact center

  • Introducing improved workforce management features for all regions
  • New inbound media columns and filters in Performance views


  • WFM forecasting After Call Work and Average Talk Time deprecation removal for all regions
  • Screen recording, evaluations, and surveys permissions change


  • Genesys Cloud training moves to Genesys Beyond

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April 29, 2020


  • New AWS region deployments
  • Refresh tokens for secure authentication


  • Genesys Cloud Voice availability for new AWS region
  • BYOC Cloud availability for new AWS regions

Contact center

  • Introducing improved workforce management features for selected regions
  • Improved ACD messaging for Facebook Messenger
  • Inbound MMS support for SMS messages
  • Interrupt a Google Dialogflow agent in an Architect flow


  • SMTP server integration for outbound emails


  • WFM forecasting After Call Work and Average Talk Time deprecation removal for selected regions
  • Contact center dashboard in Performance Overview menu deprecation removal

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April 8, 2020

Contact center

  • Introducing Architect workflows and Architect flow actions for Predictive Engagement
  • Salesforce lead creation and campaign association with Predictive Engagement
  • Add digital channels to subscriptions
  • Reset an agent’s routing score after presence changes
  • Scheduled Callbacks view permissions change


  • ACD routing permissions change

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April 1, 2020

Contact center

  • Log an agent out of Genesys Cloud from agent views
  • Disassociate an agent from a station
  • Web chat widget support for accessibility
  • Use * and # as terminating characters in Architect call flows
  • New fonts and font sizes in ACD email


  • Disable Collaborate chat
  • Premium application purchase enhancements


  • TLS 1.0 protocol deprecation removal
  • ACD routing permissions change postponement

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March 18, 2020

Contact center

  • Search for columns and filters in Performance views

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March 4, 2020

Contact center

  • Performance dashboards improvements
  • Performance dashboards public option
  • Filter for users by group in agents summary views
  • Export view selected columns and order
  • Configure utilization settings per agent or by organization


  • Contact center view in Performance menu deprecation

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