Genesys Cloud - October 28, 2020

Contact center

Introducing workforce management work plan rotations

The new work plan rotations feature enables administrators and contact center managers to create patterns so that shifts within selected work plans rotate, typically on a weekly basis. This feature allows agents the opportunity to work all shifts and avoid monotonous weekly scheduling. For more information, see Work plan rotations overview and About workforce management.

Add an interaction to an existing coaching appointment

Quality administrators and supervisors can now add an interaction to an existing coaching appointment for anyone involved in the interaction. This feature eliminates the need for administrators to manually cut and paste a link to an interaction when adding that interaction after making the initial appointment. For more information, see Add an interaction to an existing coaching appointment.

Interaction’s detail page improvements

Quality administrators and supervisors can now copy an Interaction ID directly to their clipboard from the Details tab on an interaction’s detail page. Managers can also now use a link icon to copy the interaction’s detail page URL directly to their clipboard. For more information, see View an interaction’s details.

WEM add-on price reduction

Genesys has reduced Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) add-on upgrade subscription prices. For more information, see Add Workforce Engagement Management to your subscription

Routing Used filter and column in Performance views

Contact center managers and supervisors can now filter by the routing method used to contact the agent who answered the interaction, in detail and aggregate Performance views. Managers and supervisors can view the routing method used in Interaction views. For more information, see Interactions view, Queues Interactions Detail view, Agents Interactions Detail view, Queues Performance Summary view, DNIS Performance view, Agents Performance Summary view, and Wrap-Up Performance Summary view.

Provider filter in Performance views

Contact center managers and supervisors can now filter by the source provider for the interaction, such as email or Genesys Cloud Edge, in aggregate Performance views. For more information, see Queues Performance Summary view, DNIS Performance view, Agents Performance Summary view, and Wrap-Up Performance Summary view.


Screen recording policy changes for Genesys Cloud 2 users postponement

Genesys announced the screen recording policy changes for Genesys Cloud 2 users on October 7 with an October 28, 2020 take effect date. Genesys has postponed the take effect date to November 4, 2020. For more information, see Screen recording policy changes for Genesys Cloud 2 users.