Genesys Cloud - April 8, 2020

Contact center

Introducing Architect workflows and Architect flow actions for Predictive Engagement

Customers can now streamline business processes using Predictive Engagement to create in-house and third-party integrations. Administrators create workflows in Architect, and Predictive Engagement administrators use Architect flow actions to configure action maps to integrate with third-party systems. For more information, see Work with workflowsAbout Architect flow actions, and About Architect.

Salesforce lead creation and campaign association with Predictive Engagement

The new Predictive Engagement integration with Salesforce provides predefined Genesys Cloud data actions and an example Architect workflow. Administrators can build an action map that uses the Architect flow action along with these data actions and workflow to create leads and assign campaign attributions in Salesforce when qualified users arrive on the customer’s website. A predefined script allows agents to view and update leads in Salesforce. For more information, see Salesforce lead creation and campaign attribution and How agents access and use the Salesforce Lead Generation script.

Add digital channels to subscriptions

Customers can now add digital channels to their Genesys Cloud subscription. Genesys offers add-ons to gain access to digital channels, such as chat, email, SMS, and messaging, that are included in higher Genesys Cloud subscription tiers. For more information, see Add a bundle of digital channels to your subscription

Reset an agent’s routing score after presence changes

Administrators can now specify that all queue routing methods use changes in an agent’s presence to reset the ACD routing score. This feature helps to ensure that available agents receive interactions in the appropriate order. For more information, see Reset an agent’s routing score after presence changes.

Scheduled Callbacks view permissions change

An additional permission is now required to access the Scheduled Callbacks view. The UI > Supervisor Scheduled Callbacks > View permission has been added for all users that already have the Analytics > Conversation detail > Query permission. Administrators may need to update custom roles for this new permission. For more information, see Scheduled Callbacks view.


ACD routing permissions change

On April 8, 2020, the ACD routing permissions change went into effect. For more information, see ACD routing permissions change.