Navigate the schedule editor

View from a different time zone

By default, this view uses the business unit’s time zone. Users with administrator permissions can change the displayed time zone by selecting from the list in the upper right corner of the view. This option is helpful for administrators who access the view from a different time zone.

Note: Optionally adjust the schedule by clicking the horizontal or vertical dividers and moving the schedule to the desired size.

At the bottom of the schedule editor, use the list to switch between viewing activity counts or viewing scheduled required and differences, with or without shrinkage. For more information, see Review activity counts and daily summaries and Review scheduled, required, and difference counts.

For more information, see Add a blank schedule.

Some available options depend on the current schedule view.


In the schedule editor, to view available options click the arrow at the end of the toolbar, or the Select Action menu. Click the image to enlarge. 

Schedules toolbar 

Task Description Keyboard shortcut
Day View  Day view

When you select this option, day wise schedule is displayed. This is the default view.

Week View Week view of the schedule

When you select this option, week wise schedule is displayed.


Indicates the vertical view. Displays the agents on the left panel and schedule details on the right panel. Click the image to enlarge.

Vertical view of the schedule


Multiple Week view Multiple week view of the schedule

Displays the schedule for multiple weeks. Click the image to enlarge.

Multiple week view of the schedule.


Custom Range view

Displays the schedule based on the custom date range. When you select this option, the Start and End date fields are displayed using which you can define the range. Click the image to enlarge.

Custom date view


Zoom in

Maximizes the schedule view.


Zoom out

Minimizes the schedule view.


Previous Published Schedule

Click to load the details of the previous published schedule. This option is available only when you view a published schedule.


Previous Day

Click to view previous day schedule details.


Date picker Date picker field

Click to select the date to view the schedule details.


Next Day

Click the view the next day schedule details.


Next Published Schedule

Click to load the details of the next published schedule. This option is available only when you view a published schedule.


Timezone selector

Click to view the Time Zone Settings pop up to view the Display Time Zone dropdown. Select the required time zone.



Perform an automated intraday rescheduling operation to incorporate manual changes made to the forecast associated with the schedule. N/A

Add Full Day Time Off

Add a full day of time-off to an agent within a schedule. Ctrl + Shift + F


Reverses the last action performed. Ctrl + Z


Repeats the last action performed. Ctrl + Y

View Shift History

View a history of unsaved shift changes and select from a list of modifications.

Shift + H

Show Summary

View and copy to your clipboard summary calculations for statistics in a specific schedule. Shift + U

Display Options

In View by Day and View by Date Range, customize how information appears in the schedule editor for past schedules. N/A


Export schedule activities, agent shifts, scheduled and forecast counts, and activity counts. N/A


Saves the schedule. This option is displayed for unpublished schedules. N/A
Publish Publish the schedule and optionally add informational details. N/A
Filter and Sort Filter agent schedules by queue, skills, or languages. Sort by agent name, paid hours, shift start or end time, and ascending or descending order. Shift + F

The Action menu lists the actions that you can perform on the Schedule Editor. The following table lists the tasks that you can view as options when you click the Action dropdown located below the toolbar on the upper right corner of the screen.

Action menu on the schedule editor displays the list of actions you can perform.

Task Description Keyboard shortcut
Assign Shift Assign shifts from one agent to another. Shift + Q
Replace Shifts with Activity Replace an entire shift or shifts with a selected activity. Shift + R
Replace Activity Replace an activity or activities with another activity in a schedule. Shift + B
Swap Shifts Swap one agent's shifts with another agent. Shift + W
Copy Activity to Agents Copy an activity to one or more agents in the schedule. Shift + A
Copy Shift to Agents Copy an agent's shift to one or more agents. Shift + M
Copy Shift to Days Copy an agent's shift to one or more days. Shift + D
Remove Selected Remove one or more agent shifts from the selected schedule. Delete
Remove Activity Code in Range Remove one or more activities from a single or multiple shifts within a specific time range. N/A
Add Agents Include more agents in the selected schedule N/A
Remove Agents Exclude one or more agents in the selected schedule N/A
Show Time-Off Request Differences View and synchronize time-off requests. Shift + V
Show Keyboard Shortcuts View the list of keyboard shortcuts that help administrators manage schedule editing Shift + K
View adherence information in the schedule editor In View by Day and View by Date Range, you can customize the schedule editor to show agent adherence information for past schedules.  Click the Gear  icon and enable Show Adherence option.
View late information in the schedule editor You can view the late explanations request for the next work activity submitted by the agent for specific categories. You can further approve or deny these requests.  In Schedule view, click the grey dotted line.


In addition to managing the schedule from the toolbar or Select Action list, you can also:

Task Description
Add an activity to a shift Add an activity to a shift within a schedule, and optionally adjust the length.
Available schedule views Learn more about the various ways to view a schedule.
Change the schedule view Select to view a schedule by day, week, date range, multiple weeks, or vertical view in the schedule editor.
Review scheduled, forecast, and difference counts If your schedule was generated based on a forecast, details about scheduled, forecast (with and without shrinkage), and difference counts are listed in the schedule grid.
Review Scheduled and Forecast counts and daily summaries Depending on your view, the schedule editor displays metrics that help you analyze and plan schedules.
View agent information Click an agent name to view that agent's assigned skills and languages.
View an agent's paid hours per week Depending on your view, you can see various details about an agent's paid hours for a specific day or week.
Adjust an activity's length Adjust a non-default activity's length within a shift.
Modify activity details Edit default values for non-default activities.
Use zoom to adjust the level of schedule detail

Zoom in to see the current schedule in more detail, or zoom out to see a larger time period for the current schedule. 

Undo or redo unsaved changes to a schedule

Undo or redo unsaved changes to a schedule, one at a time, up to the last save.

Filter agent schedules by planning groups, queue, skills, or languages. Sort by agent name, paid hours, shift start or end time, and ascending or descending order. To filter and sort agents, 

  1. To access the Filter and Sort dialog box, at the top of the schedule, click Total Agents.
  2. In the Filter and Sort dialog box, under Set Filters do any of the following:
    • To view only the schedules for agents who were modified since the last schedule save, enable Show edited agents only.  
    • To save the filter for a set of agents you use frequently, under Agent Filter select the agents you want to save and then enable the Remember agent filter check box. 
    • Click the arrow at the end of the Planning Group list and choose the desired planning group.
    • Click the arrow at the end of the Queue list and choose the desired queue to display.
    • Click the arrow at the end of the Skills list and choose the agent-assigned skills to display
    • Click the arrow at the end of the Languages list and choose the agent-assigned languages to display.
  3. In the Set Sort area, do any of the following:
    • Click the arrow at the end of the Sort list and select to sort by agent name, edited agents, daily paid hours, weekly paid hours, earliest shift start, or earliest shift end.
    • Click the arrow at the end of the Sort Direction list and choose to sort in ascending or descending order.
  4. To remember the sort order, click to set the Remember sort order to Yes.
  5. Click OK.

In the Schedule view, on the current day, you can view the dotted line for an agent. The dotted line indicates that a late request has been sent in by the agent. You can view the Explanations grey line corresponding to the time against which the agent has sent in the late request. You can click the line to view the request details, such as the duration and reason for being late. You can approve or deny the request accordingly. When you approve, the color of the line changes to green and when you reject, the color of the line changes to red.

Your agent can submit a running late request for your next work activity, such as, Meeting, On Queue, Off Queue or Training Activity Categories. However, if your agent submits a running late request before and activity that has the Activity Category Break or Meal the request will take effect at the beginning of the next schedule work activity.