Copy an activity to other agents

You can copy an activity to one or more agents in the schedule editor.

Note: You cannot copy or edit default activities.
  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Workforce Management, click Schedules.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the Management Unit list and select the appropriate management unit.
  4. Search for the schedule that contains the activity you want to copy to other agents and select it from the list. The schedule editor opens.
  5. Locate the activity you want to copy, select it, and perform one of the following steps:
    • Click the arrow at the end of the Select Action dialog box and select Copy Activity to Agents.
    • Press Shift+A.
  6. In the Copy Activity to Agents dialog box, optionally make any of the following updates:
    • To edit the Start Date, click the calendar and select a new date to which to apply the activity. Use the previous and next buttons to navigate to different months.
    • Under Start Time, type the new time in which to begin the activity.
    • Change the activity length in 5-minute increments using the Length in Minutes arrows.
    • To count the activity as paid time, slide the bar to Yes. Or to count it as unpaid, slide the bar to No.
  7. In the Action If Insert Fails list, select one of the following options:
    • Extend Shift. For this option, when you add an activity and the agent’s shift ends before the activity occurs, the system extends the agent’s shift to accommodate the activity time frame.
    • Adjust Activity Length. For this option, when you add an activity and the activity is longer than the agent’s shift, the system reduces the activity to fit the shift length. If the agent’s shift ends before the activity begins, the system does not copy the activity. If the agent’s shift begins after the activity ends, the system will not copy the activity.
    • Do Not Insert. For this option, when you add an activity and the agent’s shift ends before the activity occurs or if the activity does not meet the agent’s shift length, the system does not add the activity to this agent’s schedule.
  8. To select the agent to which to copy the activity, perform one of the following steps:
    • To add the activity to all agents, click Add All.
    • To copy the shift to select agents, in the Available Agents column click Add next to the appropriate agents.
    • To search for a specific agent, in the Filter Items box type a few letters of the agent’s name. Then, select it from the list.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Save, publish, or continue editing the schedule.