Publish the schedule


Workforce Management > Agent Schedule > View permission

Publish a schedule in the schedule editor.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Workforce Management, click Schedules.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the Business Unit list and select the desired management unit.
  4. Search for the schedule you want to publish and select it from the list. The schedule editor opens.
  5. Click Publish. The Publish Schedule dialog box opens.
  6. Publishing the schedule will notify agents for any changes to their shifts.
    Note: There is currently a system limitation which will only notify the first 1000 agents of changes in their schedule when changes are published. The order of agents who will receive the notification is based on agents with the earliest change to the shift first. In cases where more than 1000 agent shifts will be edited at a time, the current workaround to this limitation is to edit no more than 1000 agents, publish, edit the next set of agents up to 1000, and re-publish and repeat this process until all agents have been updated.
  7. Click OK.