Export schedule information
You can download various schedule information into a CSV file (or TXT file for agent shifts) for planning and review purposes. Choose from:
- Schedule activities, including associated agents, start and end times, description, length, and whether the activity is paid
- Shifts for each agent in the schedule
- Scheduled and required counts
- Scheduled, Required, and Performance results
The system exports schedule data in UTC times. To export schedule information:
- Click Admin.
- Under Workforce Management, click Schedules.
- Search for the schedule you want to export and select it from the list. The schedule editor opens.
- Click Export.
- Determine the type of schedule information to export:
- To export only the activities listed in the schedule, click Activities.
- To export only the shifts for each agent in the schedule, click Agent Shifts.
- To export the scheduled and required counts, click Scheduled and Required.
- To export the scheduled, required and performance results, click Scheduled, Required and Performance.
The system downloads the CSV or TXT file to your local Downloads folder.