About chat

Genesys Cloud chat lets you instantly share your ideas with people inside your organization without sending an email. Persistent chat history allows you to start a conversation with your colleagues and continue it anywhere anytime.

ACD web messaging and web chat interactions

ACD web messaging and web chat interactions are different from Genesys Cloud chat. Learn more about these ACD interactions. 

Genesys Cloud chat

Use the chat roster to see all of your current chats and to check to see if people are available, away, or busy. 

Start a chat

Start a chat anywhere you see the chat icon including profile pages and search results. Start a video chat without opening a new window.

Send chat messages and more

Send an instant message to anyone in your organization. Give your messages character with emojis and text formatting. Share files, images, and Internet media in the chat window.

Chat with a group

Monitor and participate in a group chat. To create your own chat group, start a chat with multiple people or add participants.

Do more with chat

Customize chat notifications for individual chats or for all chats and change the layout of the chat roster. Quickly call the person that you are chatting with in a one-to-one chat using the Calls icon. Search through all of a chat room’s past messages to find the message that you are looking for. Use the Activity Stream to see and navigate to recent chats. Your administrator can set up webhooks for other systems, like Jenkins, Jira, and GitHub, to post events to chat rooms automatically. Turn the Genesys Cloud Collaborate Chat feature on or off across the organization.