Create a personal chat room

You can create a personal chat room in either of two ways:

  • Start a personal group and add participants. 
  • Add participants to a one-to-one chat. 
Note: You can create Official, Social, and Distribution Groups and their corresponding public and private chat rooms only if you have specific permissions.

Start a personal group and add participants

  1. To start a personal group chat room and add participants, to the upper right of the chat roster, click Start chatting or create your own group
  2. Click the Start Personal Group tab. 
    Create your own personal group
  3. In the Group Details Name box, type a name for your group.
  4. To add people to the group, in the Invite People Search box, search for and select people.
  5. To open the new personal group chat room, click Create Group. You or other participants can add other participants to the chat room at any time.

Add participants to a one-to-one chat and start a chat room

Invite new people to a one-to-one direct message chat room to create a new personal group chat room.

  1. From the upper right of a one-to-one direct message chat room, click Invite.
  2. In the Invite new participants box, begin to type the name of the person to invite to the chat room.
  3. Select the person that you want to invite from the search results.
    Select participant search results
    Genesys Cloud creates a new personal group chat room.
  4. If you want to add more people, continue to use the Invite new participants box to search for and add people.
    To see the list of participants in a room, click the person icon.
  5. To rename your chat room, hover over the current name in the chat window and click the Edit subject . Type a new name.
    Edit the name of a personal chat room
    Note: People in a personal chat room are members of that group as long as the chat room exists.