Understand the interaction overview

The interaction overview is a visual representation of the interaction that includes key pieces of information. A Genesys Cloud user reviewing an interaction can perform the following tasks.

  • Review customer sentiment and gauge the customer experience throughout the interaction, and the impact agent performance has on customer satisfaction.
  • View information about external (customer) and internal (IVR, ACD, agent, conference or voicemail) participants as well as information about the type of interaction.
  • View information about the start time, end time and duration of the interaction.
  • Control playback, the volume of the interaction (by channel) and playback speed to review the interaction, conduct evaluations, and initiate coaching.
  • Recognize interaction dynamics (for example, silence times, long hold periods, and so on) on the waveform.
  • Determine customer sentiment and the customer sentiment over the course of the interaction to identify customer satisfaction and agent quality assurance issues.
  • Automatically identify topics associated with a specific business issue to provide analytics about the customers motivation and goal.  
  • Perform live monitoring of an agent’s audio to simplify real-time assistance, and improve coaching and efficiency.

Key features

  • General information – Refer to the top of the interaction overview for general information such as start time, duration, and end time.
  • Waveform – The waveform includes a recording timeline, a graphic representation of the audio in the recording, speaker identification (Customer, IVR, ACD, agent, conference or voicemail), and displays various markers such as, annotations, secure pause and customer sentiment markers. 
  • Player controls – Use the play controls to
    • Play, pause, and stop the interaction
    • Adjust the overall or individual channel volume
    • Play the previous or next recording associated with the existing interaction
    • Control the playback speed
  • Participant information – From the interaction overview you can easily see details about the external (the customer) participant and the internal (IVR, ACD, Agent, Conference, or Voicemail) participant, including name and contact details if available.
  • Copy link Enables you to copy the interaction URL.
  • Copy contact – Enables you to copy the external participant’s phone number.
  • Annotate – Use the Annotate option to mark a point (with comments) in the recording for future reference. 
  • Live monitor – Use the live monitor option to listen to an interaction that is in progress (real-time) to coach the agent without disturbing the agent and customer conversation.
  • Sentiment analysis – View the sentiment markers on the waveform to identify where the customer expressed a positive or negative sentiment. For more information, see Work with sentiment analysis.
  • Topics – View the topic markers on the waveform to identify where specific phrases were found during the interaction. For more information, see Work with a topic.
  • Sentiment markers – Markers are placed throughout the interaction overview and its corresponding transcript. The sentiment markers are located in the interaction overview waveform at the exact time the phrase began and in the transcript at the beginning of the phrase. Every phrase associated with a sentiment analysis marker is tagged with a positive or negative sentiment number. The magnitude of the number indicates the strength of the detected positive or negative sentiment. The positive marker indicates a positive sentiment and the negative marker indicates a negative sentiment. To view details about a specific sentiment marker for a specific phrase, hover over the sentiment marker in the waveform at the top of the screen or in the transcript. A tooltip with the sentiment phrase appears in both locations.
  • Overall customer sentiment – Represents the customer’s overall sentiment during the interaction. It ranges from -100 to +100. This score weighs all positive and negative markers throughout the interaction, awarding more weight to events that took place towards the end of the interaction, to highlight the customer parting experience with the contact center. This can indicate if the customer was left satisfied or dissatisfied at the end of their interaction.
  • Sentiment trend Located on the left side of the interaction overview at the bottom of the External participant section. The sentiment trend is determined by comparing the sentiment events found in the first half of the interaction to the sentiment found in the second half of the interaction. For this reason, the sentiment trend may be updated when additional follow ups occur within the same interaction. There is a minimum number of customer phrases required for the sentiment trend to be calculated, usually around 6 or more customer phrases are required. 
  • Sentiment trend values There are 5 sentiment trend values.
If the change is greater than +55 the sentiment trend is defined as improving.
If the change is between +20 and 55 the sentiment trend is defined as slightly improving.
If the change is between -20 and +20 the sentiment trend is defined as no change.
If the change is less than -20 the sentiment trend is defined as slightly declining.
If the change is less than -55 the sentiment trend is defined as declining.
  • Events panel – Contains three lists (topics, positive and negative) of all the detected topic and sentiment markers together with their corresponding phrase. From the Events panel (located on the right side of the Transcript tab), you can filter the lists to only display topics, positive sentiment markers, negative sentiment markers, or a combination of all of them. In addition, from the Events panel you can hover over the positive or negative sentiment marker and phrase to view a tooltip with the sentiment phrase.
  • Authenticated web messaging – Authenticated web messaging increases security by allowing customers to setup ACD web messaging so that only authenticated users can initiate a web messaging session with agents at the customer engagement center. When authenticated web messaging is available, the customer icon includes a badge.

The image below represents a typical view of an audio interaction being played in the interaction overview.

Click the image to enlarge.