Out-of-the-box topics

The speech and text analytics solution includes a set of out-of-the-box topics that can be used as a starting point. That is, a set of Programs, topics and phrases are created as part of the out-of-the-box creation process. These topics are based on the experience of a variety of organizations with similar use cases.

Out-of-the-box topics are a good way to start the topic creation process, but since they are a product of similar organizations and not specifically your organization, it is highly recommended that you modify these topics to your own specific language and terminology when working with customers or referring to products and services.


  • Creating organization specific topics is a crucial step towards good speech and text analytics results, regardless of the solution used.
  • Only one user can generate out-of-the-box topics at a given time. If you try to generate out-of-the-box topics when another set of out-of-the-box topics is being generated, the following message appears: “The out-of-the-box topics action is currently running. Wait a few minutes until the action is complete, and then try to generate it again.”

The following is a list of the out-of-the-box topics. These topics are just like any other topics and they can be deleted, edited and changed as needed.  These topics are available in all supported transcription dialects. For more information, see Work with a topic.

Agent Behavior

  • Agent Knowledge Gap
  • Build Rapport
  • Check for Resolution
  • Closing an Interaction
  • Communication Issue
  • Contact Capture
  • Create Urgency
  • Express Empathy
  • Follow Up Later
  • Greeting
  • Identification
  • Looking Up Information
  • Policy/System Limitations
  • Promote Customer Survey
  • Recapping
  • Retention Effort
  • Transfer Interaction
  • Upsell
  • Walk Through Website

Contact Reason

  • Balance Inquiry
  • Billing Issue
  • Cancel Mention
  • Change of Address
  • Checking Status
  • Competitor Mention
  • Credits or Refunds
  • Customer Mention
  • Fraud
  • Login Issue
  • Make Payment
  • Past Due Payment
  • Payment Issue
  • Payment Plan
  • Price Dissatisfaction
  • Product Inquiry
  • Website Issue

Customer Experience

  • Attorney or Lawyer Mention
  • Complaint
  • Contacted Previously
  • Escalate to Supervisor
  • Expressing Confusion
  • IVR Confusion
  • Never Heard Back
  • On Hold
  • Profanity

Sentiment Reason

  • Aggressive Marketing
  • Cancellation Process Dissatisfaction
  • Conflicting Answers
  • Dissatisfaction with Agent
  • Ongoing Issue
  • Product Dissatisfaction
  • Promotion Issues
  • Shipping Dissatisfaction
  • Unavailable Product
  • Unexpected Charges
  • Waste of Time

  1. Perform the steps in the Create out-of-the-box topics section of Speech and text analytics.