Work with Genesys Digital Bot Flows

Administrators and contact center managers can create bot flows in Architect through a natural language understanding (NLU) engine that can understand and process information the customer provides as input. Drag and drop actions to build your bot along with NLU.

Note: This feature is not PCI DSS-compliant. Best practice recommends that you do not use them in Architect secure call flows. For more information, see PCI DSS compliance.

To help familiarize yourself with bot flows in Architect, review the following pages:

Page Description
About Genesys Digital Bot Flows

Find articles that describe and demonstrate how to use Architect to build a digital bot and then use it in a message flow.

About Architect

Discover Architect features and learn how to use Architect to build flows.

About bots

Learn how to create bot integrations for use in Architect interaction flows.

Create a bot flow

Learn how to create a digital bot flow.

Natural Language Understanding menu Quickly access, analyze, and configure intents, slots, slot types, and knowledge for your bot and enhance the customer journey.
Insights and Optimizations menu Efficiently measure performance and identify enhancement opportunities within a unified workspace.
Set up user input for a bot flow The User Input menu lets you set up bot behavior when the bot cannot confirm a caller’s match or input.
Manage data resources in the flow In addition to editing variables and viewing usage, you can add and filter variables for flows.
Expression help feature Learn how to access the built-in expression resource to assist when creating bot flow task expressions.
Work with expressions Use expressions to create sophisticated and complex flow calculations by selecting variables and operators.
Architect built-in variables See the list of Architect read-only, built-in variables for bot flows.
Manage a variable Edit a variable’s values.

This table describes the available Architect actions that you can implement into your bot flows. After you build the bot flow, use the Call Digital Bot Flow action to call it from voice, chat, and message flows.

Icon Category Action Description

Ask for Yes/No

Select follow-up intents that guide the user through a conversation.

Ask for Slot

Identify slots that a caller or chat recipient mentions in an utterance.

Digital Menu

Offer guidance and other options to your customer.

Wait for Input

Allow the bot to wait for customer input.


Interact with a customer through one-way communication. 

Show Knowledge Article

Select a knowledge article from the knowledge base that you configure in Natural Language Understanding > Knowledge for this flow.
Data Send Knowledge Feedback Capture customer feedback after the bot presents an article from a Show Knowledge Article action.
Call Data Retrieve information about a customer from default or custom data actions integration in Genesys Cloud.
Call Secure Data Action In secure bot flow tasks, use this action to call sensitive values from a data action database.
Data Table Lookup Retrieve data stored in a Genesys Cloud data table.
Extract Secure Data In secure bot flows, use this action to copy secure data to a non-secure variable of the same type. 
Get Response Select a predefined response from the Canned Responses library and add it to an inbound email, message, or bot flow.
Update Data Assign values to flow or task level variables.
Disconnect Disconnect

End the bot flow interaction.

Exit bot flow

An alternative way to end the bot flow.

External Contacts Get External Contact Retrieve information about an existing external contact.
Get External Organization Use the Get External Organization action to find a specific organization, or with the Get External Contact action to find a specific person.
Find Find Language Skill Source language skill data from a data dip such as a Call Data action or a data table. Then, use that information with a Transfer to ACD action that sends the interaction to the appropriate queue.
Find Emergency Group Dynamically find an emergency group based on its name at IVR runtime. For more information, see Emergencies.
Find Queue Find a queue based on its string name at IVR runtime. Use this action to source data from a data action or data lookup tables. 
Find Queue by ID Reference a queue dynamically and find that queue based on an ID at IVR runtime.
Find Schedule Dynamically find a schedule based on its name at IVR runtime. For more information about schedule creation in Genesys Cloud, see Schedules.
Find Schedule Group Dynamically find a schedule group based on its name at IVR runtime. For more information, see Schedule Groups.
Find Skill Find an ACD skill based on its string name at IVR runtime. Use this action to source skill data from a data dip such as a Call Data action or a data table. Then, use that information with a Transfer to ACD action that sends the interaction to the appropriate queue.
Find System Prompt Look up Architect system prompts by name and determine which prompts to play dynamically at runtime.
Find User Search for a Genesys Cloud user based on an email address at IVR runtime. 
Find User by ID Reference a user dynamically and find that user based on a string name at IVR runtime.
Find User Prompt Look up Architect user prompts by name and determine which prompts to play dynamically at runtime.
Find Users by ID Reference Genesys Cloud users dynamically and find them based on a string at IVR runtime.
Find Utilization Label Dynamically find a utilization label based on its name at IVR runtime.
Flow Add Flow Milestone Add a flow milestone to generate more granular reporting for flow outcomes. Access to flow milestones helps build reporting around the customer journey.
Clear Slot Select the slot to clear.
Clear Utilization Label Remove a utilization label from an interaction.
Initialize Flow Outcome Select a flow outcome that Architect begins to track in the flow.
Set Flow Outcome Define a potential outcome that the system tracks as success or failure when an interaction reaches a certain point in the flow.
Set Language Allows callers to select the preferred language in which to hear prompts or display prompt text
Set Utilization Label Dynamically apply a utilization label to an interaction.
Logical Decision Direct the process branch, depending on whether a condition is true.
Evaluate Schedule Use this action with the Evaluate Schedule Group action to make routing decisions based on previously defined schedules and schedule groups.
Evaluate Schedule Group Use this action with the Evaluate Schedule action to make routing decisions based on previously defined schedules and schedule groups.
Switch This action is similar to a Decision action, and is easy to set when to evaluate multiple cases. Configure a switch action to specify what Architect does, when to do it, and under which circumstances.
Loop Loop Direct your process repeat a series of actions before it goes on to the next action in your design.
Loop Until  Make your process repeat a series of actions and include exit criteria for the action after it meets specific criteria.
Next Loop Use the Next Loop action when, during the loop iteration, the flow encounters a false outcome and you want it to continue to the next iteration.
Exit Loop Use this action inside a Loop action. Use it to end and exit the current loop, and to continue flow execution by moving to the following action.
Task Task Use this action to build complex flow options; for example, to group related steps of a process together and create a flow routine.
Jump to Reusable Task Insert a complete task previously configured in the Reusable Tasks area.
Call Task Call another task. When the called task completes, the configured output path determines how flow execution continues.
Transfer Transfer to ACD Transfer a caller into a queuing system.