My Queues Activity view


The following permissions:

  • Analytics > Conversation Aggregate > View
  • Analytics > Queue Observation > View
  • RoutingQueueView 
  • UI > Agent Queue Activity > View 

To see real-time statistics for all of the queues you are a member of, click Performance > Workspace > My Performance > My Queues Activity. This view displays current metrics and information about your queues, such as the number of waiting interactions, the number of current interactions, and the number of agents on queue. Customize the view with filters and column controls.

Customize the view

Customize your My Queues Activity view to show only certain data. For example, you can choose to show only certain columns or filter to see certain types of interactions. Your customizations remain as you leave and return to the view. Filter by queues to populate the summary row with aggregate data about those queues.

  1. To filter by media type, click the Filter icon Filter button.
  2. Select the media type. 

  • When filtering you can select more than one media type. Click the relevant media type to select or deselect the type.
  • You cannot select the voice and callback types at the same time.
  • If you select voice, the callback option will be deselected. If you select callback, the voice interaction will be deselected.
  • The available media types may vary from those shown above.

The selected media type icon is displayed above the column headers. For more information about various media types and their settings, see the Set behavior and thresholds for all interaction types section in the Create and configure queues.

Icon Media Type
All All media types
Voice media type Voice
callback media type Callback 
chat media type Chat
email media type Email
messages media type Messages

To enter names of queues you want to view, click the Filter queue(s) search icon . Enter the name of the queue and select the queue from the search results. You can continue to enter and select additional queues to add to the view.

Filter by selecting multiple queues

You can select multiple queues to filter by. 

  1. In the queue's row, select the check box.
  2. Continue selecting queue check boxes to add to filters. 
  3. Click Add to filters.

To show or hide columns:

  1. Click the Pick columns icon on the right side. The Add/Remove Column pane appears.
  2. (Optional) To sort the columns in ascending or alphabetical order, click Sort by > Column Name A-Z
  3. (Optional) To sort the columns in descending or reverse alphabetical order, click Sort by > Column Name Z-A.
  4. (Optional) To categorize or uncategorize the columns, click Sort by and enable or disable the Group by Categories toggle. Click the image to enlarge.

    Sort by options that appear when you add or remove column
  5. Search or scroll to select the columns you want to view.
    Note: You can also use keyboard navigation to choose the columns.
  6. Click Save. The selected columns appear on the screen.
    Note: The column selections appear only after saving the changes and do not apply to the table immediately.

      To rearrange the columns, click a column header and drag it.

      To reset a view to default column settings, click Reset view to defaults .

      You can select up to 20 columns.

      For more information about the metrics shown in the columns, see the Available Columns section in this article. 

      Available columns

      To view the available columns, see My Queues Activity view section in the View available columns in performance views by category article.

      To view the consolidated list of available columns in the performance views, see Consolidated view of available columns in performance views.

      To view the list of available columns in the performance views by category, see View available columns in performance views by category.

      Interpret counts in the My Queues Activity view

      In the My Queues view, user statuses and routing statuses sometimes add up to more than the total number of agents in the queue. This situation arises when agents change their user status while working with interactions. 

      For example, agents Bob and Alex are each working with an interaction. Bob changes his status to Break, and Alex changes his status to Meeting, but they both still have a chat interaction. In this situation, the view displays “2” in the Off Queue section, but it also displays “2” in the Interacting section.