Historical execution data overview
Edge and Media Tier version:
- or later. For more information, see Media Tier release notes.
To enable or disable historical execution data storage:
- Directory > Organization > Admin
- Settings > Execution Data > Edit permission
- Settings > Execution Data > View permission
To set the historical execution data level for flows for the organization:
- Architect > Flow Log Level Default > Delete permission
- Architect > Flow Log Level Default > Edit permission
- Architect > Flow Log Level Default > View permission
To set the historical execution data level for a specific flow:
- Architect > Flow Log Level > Add permission
- Architect > Flow Log Level > Delete permission
- Architect > Flow Log Level > Edit permission
- Architect > Flow Log Level > View permission
To see execution data for a flow:
- Architect > Flow Instance Execution Data > Edit permission
- Architect > Flow Instance Execution Data > View permission
Genesys Cloud offers access to comprehensive historical execution data for all Architect flow types. With advanced capabilities in historical data analysis, users can manage and analyze historical execution data effectively, and gain insights into user journeys to make improvements and troubleshoot. Users can enable or disable execution data storage and select from four distinct levels of execution data granularity:
- Base: understand high-level user journeys through Architect actions and navigated menus, errors, and events.
- Notes: optimize Architect flows using variable values (includes the Base level).
- Verbose Notes: access conversation content with communication values (includes the Notes level).
- All: troubleshoot through action input and output values (includes the Verbose Notes level).
- Historical execution data counts toward your organization’s data storage limit under the Genesys Cloud fair use policy. For more information, see Genesys Cloud fair use policy.
- Execution data storage is disabled by default. To start capturing execution data, you must enable it and republish flows.
The following examples are possible scenarios that consumers of historical execution data can use the execution data for:
- Listen for specific flow events, for example, when flows encounter an error
- Watch events for a specific flow and analyze specific flow execution items, for example, when a flow runs a particular action and the action takes the failure or timeout path
- See which flows are running more than others
Genesys Cloud disables historical execution data storage by default. To enable storage, follow these steps:
- Click Admin.
- Under Account Settings, click Organization Settings.
- On the Settings tab, scroll down to the Execution Data section.
- Under Execution Data, use the toggle to enable execution data storage for your organization. A disclaimer message appears that informs you that Genesys Cloud may store sensitive information.
- Click Yes to enable storage.
To navigate to Admin > Account Settings > Organization Settings > Settings from Architect, click Help and select Execution Data Settings.
You need the following permissions to enable or disable historical execution data storage in the Organization Settings:
- Directory > Organization > Admin
- Settings > Execution Data > Edit permission
- Settings > Execution Data > View permission
- Configure the data types for which you want to store execution data. If Architect Flows is disabled, Genesys Cloud does not store execution data for Architect flows.
To configure the data types for which to store historical execution data, follow these steps:
- Click Admin.
- Under Account Settings, click Organization Settings.
- On the Settings tab, scroll down to the Execution Data section.
- Under Execution Data Storage, use the Architect Flows toggle to enable execution data storage for the data type.
To navigate to Admin > Account Settings > Organization Settings > Settings from Architect, click Help and select Execution Data Settings.
You need the following permissions to view and enable the Architect Flows toggle in the Organization Settings:
- Architect > Flow Instance Execution Data > Edit permission
- Architect > Flow Instance Execution Data > View permission
{ "flow": { "conversationId": "49dbd0ea-c3ee-4568-ab5b-1fac76a5b81c", "division": { "id": "d62836e8-ff2a-43ee-bcf6-dc9d8b9e89a0" }, "endDateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:50.495Z", "execution": [ { "startedFlow": { "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:17.642Z", "languageTag": "en-us", "variables": [] } }, { "startedBotState": { "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:17.642Z", "executionId": "433aad21-9b89-4c4c-aa46-3c2a23459a68", "stateId": "26d285b4-fdc8-4978-9d33-b9eb46a10cf9", "variables": [] } }, { "actionAskForIntent": { "actionId": "c5f05c45-f683-4ea5-ab0b-93ca101c0d66", "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:17.642Z", "execution": [], "executionId": "00c0597c-7810-4425-b079-91bd680b9a8b", "outputPathId": "b12f6d65-5f4c-4702-843a-c753885fd57b", "outputVariables": [], "trackingId": 11 } }, { "actionAskForSlot": { "actionId": "a6846b61-7736-42ef-ada2-05643078bef5", "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:24.708Z", "execution": [], "executionId": "02f44452-7883-4ea4-a854-973121fb6020", "outputPathId": "__DEFAULT__", "outputVariables": [], "trackingId": 12 } }, { "actionDecision": { "actionId": "efa25778-0b01-4e78-ab66-b5893cbfa72c", "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:34.462Z", "executionId": "6e39cc7f-4701-4b9e-b0d0-f2b4adf80752", "outputPathId": "__NO__", "trackingId": 15 } }, { "actionDecision": { "actionId": "bcfc8a36-b4e4-4cb1-a9cf-f1fe9ec084cd", "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:34.462Z", "executionId": "e6b8644a-d4ab-4743-a447-31b0e198ef60", "outputPathId": "__NO__", "trackingId": 23 } }, { "actionCommunicate": { "actionId": "137e8a9b-de39-4641-9304-2905548d4112", "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:34.462Z", "executionId": "a1f21445-9841-43fb-8bf0-ba9111bb27b5", "trackingId": 17 } }, { "actionClearSlot": { "actionId": "768304ea-6aae-4a29-9f17-a708dcaba087", "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:34.900Z", "executionId": "809640f3-5d0e-461e-9a6a-468e6afcc9c3", "outputVariables": [], "trackingId": 22 } }, { "actionLoopAnythingElse": { "actionId": "a6b6d035-f291-4c4b-bf8f-d6a9becc43e8", "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:34.900Z", "execution": [], "executionId": "7a18178e-a65e-4bb4-abd7-5c2cf5ad78a7", "outputPathId": "__LOOP__", "outputVariables": [], "trackingId": 18 } }, { "actionCommunicate": { "actionId": "4bb7d902-57ad-4183-924d-02e03a03c1f3", "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:50.229Z", "executionId": "b1574b6a-cc2b-4a56-87ad-46b1430c2f0b", "trackingId": 19 } }, { "actionExitBotFlow": { "actionId": "8d2f40dc-9269-41b4-bf8e-d7ac4d631fe3", "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:50.495Z", "executionId": "8f97d86c-cd6a-4c14-aa4b-bf5bcd60f89c", "trackingId": 14 } }, { "endedBotState": { "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:50.495Z" } }, { "endedFlow": { "dateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:50.495Z", "flowExitReason": "FLOW_EXIT", "naturalLanguageUnderstanding": { "intent": { "intentName": "Check Account Balance" } }, "outputVariables": [] } } ], "executionId": "9ce12079-8e45-42ad-8130-2f104b258777", "flowId": "7df71c06-4d63-43ef-8db7-d90e68d037f2", "flowIsDebug": false, "flowName": "Bank Bot", "flowType": "bot", "flowVersion": "7.0", "startDateTime": "2023-10-12T09:09:17.642Z" } }
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
flow:conversationId | String | The unique identifier for a conversation in Genesys Cloud. A conversation can involve multiple flows or agents. |
flow:division:id | String |
The division the flow is in when Genesys Cloud saves the execution data after the flow execution completes.
flow:endDateTime | String |
The date and time when the flow execution was completed.
flow:execution | Array | An array of flow execution items that describe what happened when the flow ran. |
flow:execution:startedFlow | Object | A flow execution item that describes the starting date and time of the flow and the language the flow was running in. |
flow:execution:startedBotState | Object |
A flow execution item that describes:
flow:execution:actionAskForIntent | Object |
The flow execution item that holds the execution data for the Ask for Intent action:
flow:execution:actionAskForSlot | Object |
The flow execution item that holds the execution data for the Ask for Slot action:
flow:execution:actionDecision | Object |
The flow execution item that holds the execution data for the Decision action:
flow:execution:actionCommunicate | Object |
The flow execution item that holds the execution data for the Communicate action:
flow:execution:actionClearSlot | Object |
The flow execution item that holds the execution data for the Clear Slot action:
flow:execution:actionLoopAnythingElse | Object |
The flow execution item that holds the execution data for the Anything Else? Loop action:
flow:execution:actionExitBotFlow | Object |
The flow execution item that holds the execution data for the Exit Bot Flow action:
flow:execution:endedBotState | Object |
A flow execution item that describes
flow:execution:endedFlow | Object |
The flow execution item that describes
flow:executionId | String |
The unique identifier that identifies a unique instance of an Architect flow that ran. |
flow:flowId | String |
The unique identifier for the flow in Architect. |
flow:flowIsDebug | Boolean |
It specifies whether the executed flow was in debug mode. |
flow:flowName | String |
The name of the flow that ran. |
flow:flowType | String |
The Architect flow type of the flow that ran. |
flow:flowVersion | String |
The version of the flow that ran. |
flow:startDateTime | String |
The date and time when the flow execution started. |
- Genesys Cloud stores historical flow execution data for 10 days.
- Genesys Cloud supports returning a maximum of 200 execution data instances per query. It is important to note that Genesys Cloud cannot guarantee that the query returns the most recent 200 execution instances.
- Genesys Cloud does not store the historical execution data of flows that run longer than three days.
- In call flows, Genesys Cloud reports only the first 4,500 action executions.
- If a call flow has more than 350 variables, Genesys only records execution data at the base log level.
- As common module flows are embedded in their parent flows and do not run on their own, you can get execution data for them only as part of the invoking (parent) flow’s historical execution data.
- If a value of the following data types exceeds the size limit that Genesys Cloud can store in execution data, Genesys Cloud reports
:- JSON – maximum 1,000 characters
- String – maximum 253 characters
- Collection data types – maximum 20 items
- Genesys Cloud only allows reporting data at the Base level for execution instances of secure flows, for example, bot flows that ran in a secure session, regardless of the execution data setting of your organization or the specific secure bot flows.
- It is not possible to query execution data for flow instances by start or end date time. To narrow the scope of responses, Genesys Cloud recommends that you rely on conversationId instead.
The following video walks you through how to enable and configure historical execution data. The video also demonstrates how you can use the various data settings for advanced troubleshooting.
For more information about how to set the execution data level for an organization or override the organization-wide execution data level for an individual flow, see Manage historical execution data.
Features in Architect
Historical execution data is retrievable via the public API and the notification service for third-party access. For more information about the relevant endpoints in the public API, see Start a process (job) to prepare a download of a singular flow execution data instance by Id and Get the status and/or results of an asynchronous flow execution data retrieval job in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
- Aggregate data, such as counts of the number of times that an action runs during a flow, is not supported.
- You can only view flow execution data for published flows. To ensure that you capture the most recent execution data, make sure that you republish the flow and send an interaction through it before you run a query.