Add a rule

  • OutboundRulesetAddDeleteEdit, and View permissions
  • Outbound > Contactlist > Search permission
  • Routing > Queue > Search permission
  • Routing > Wrapupcode > Search permission

Add a rule to configure conditions and actions for call rules and digital rules. The system evaluates call rules before pre-call and after wrap-up for calls, and it evaluates digital rules before pre-contact and after post-contact for messages.

  1. Select Admin.
  2. Under Outbound, select Rule Management.
  3. Select the Call Rule Sets tab.
  4. Select the name of a rule set.
  5. Select Add New Rule.
  6. Enter a name in the Call Rule Name box.
  7. Select Pre-Call or Wrap-up from the Category list. This selection configures when the system evaluates the rule. For more information, see Pre-call rules for voice campaigns and Wrap-up rules.
  8. Select a condition from the Type list. This condition is the item that you want the rule to examine:
    Call Analysis

    Available in wrap-up rule conditions only. This condition allows you to perform an action when call analysis detects a busy signal, answering machine, live person, or when no one answers the call. For example, you can set the rule action to schedule a callback in 10 minutes if a line is busy.

    The Disposition box allows you to select Busy, Machine, No Answer, or Person. In special cases, you may type a free-form call analysis condition instead. For example, you might type disposition.classification.callable.sit. This feature supports any call analysis disposition that Genesys Cloud Edge might return. For more information, see Call analysis dispositions returned for Genesys Cloud Edge.
    The Conditions box that includes the Type and Disposition for a rule


    Contact List Column Available in pre-call or wrap-up rule conditions. Use Contact List Column to compare any column in the contact record to a fixed value. If you are using the Relative Time comparator, see Date-time formats for call rules.
    Contact Property

    Available in pre-call or wrap-up rule conditions. Contact Property has two conditions:

    • Last attempt: Compares the last time that the system attempted to call a contact or a contact number (home, cell, work) to a user-entered relative time (number of days, hours, and minutes in the past).
    • Last wrap-up: Compares the last queue wrap-up code result to a user-entered relative time (number of days, hours, and minutes in the past or the future).

    If the contact list is new or if there are no previous call attempts, the rule evaluates the condition to false and the system does not take the rule action.

    The last attempt condition only counts real attempts. Busy, preview skipped, rule skipped, internal error, contactable time blocked, invalid phone number, number uncallable, contact uncallable, and callback disconnect evaluations do not count as attempts.

    Data Action

    Data Action configures a pre-call or wrap-up rule condition to evaluate the result of a data action. To set up this type of rule condition, select a predefined data action, configure the input data that the action requires, and tell the rule how to evaluate the information returned by the action.

    Using data action rule conditions, a rule can evaluate data returned from the Genesys Cloud Public API, Salesforce, Zendesk, or external REST API endpoints.

    As data action rule conditions take a few steps to set up, this condition type is more fully discussed in the topic Use a digital rule to evaluate information from a data action. For background information, see Data actions in the About integrations article.

    Note: Data actions are not supported for post-contact Outbound digital rule conditions. Use event triggers for post-contact digital interactions in Outbound digital campaigns. For more information, see Overview of triggers.
    Phone Number

    Available in pre-call or wrap-up rule conditions. Compares the contact’s phone number type with a specific phone number type, such as home, cell, or work.

    System Disposition

    Available in wrap-up rule conditions only. System Disposition allows you to write rule actions for outbound campaign attempts that did not make it to an agent. For example, you can select the Disposition wrap-up code for a call that timed out, and then set an action to schedule a callback in 10 minutes. Multiple wrap-up codes can be selected.Displays the system disposition for wrap-up rule conditions

    Available wrap-up codes are:

    Wrap-up Code

    Available in wrap-up rule conditions only. Wrap-up Code compares the wrap-up code assigned after the call ended, to a user-entered wrap-up code. Multiple wrap-up codes can be selected.

    For more information, see Wrap-up codes assigned by outbound dialing.

  9. As applicable for the type selected, choose a contact column, contact property, wrap-up code, or phone type as prompted. For example, if you chose Contact List Column, the system prompts you to select a column name. Select contact property, wrap-up codes, and phone number types in similar ways.
    figure shows selection of specific contact column for a rule
  10. To determine how the system makes the comparison, in the Comparator box, select a comparison operator.
  11. If applicable, type or choose a selection from the Value box. This selection establishes what the system compares a condition to.
  12. In rare situations you have to invert the expression, so that the system performs its action when the opposite of the expression is true. An inverted condition performs actions when the condition is not met. To set the inversion, toggle Invert Condition to Yes
    • To perform an action when the condition is met, toggle Invert Condition to No. This is the default setting.
    • To perform an action when the condition is not met, toggle Invert Condition to Yes.
    Note: Inverting a wrap-up rule includes system-level wrap-ups in the evaluation.
    When using the invert condition on a rule, system-assigned wrap-up codes are invisibly included in the evaluation. As the user cannot select system-assigned wrap-up codes, these codes are never included in the set of wrap-up codes that the rule ignores. This can produce unexpected and possibly unintended results.

    If you set up a rule to evaluate whether the wrap-up code is not x, y, or z, and set a rule action, then every busy signal, hang up, skip, line disconnected, and so on. This results in triggering the rule action, as those system-assigned wrap-up codes are not x, y, or z.

    Due to the way the system works internally, it is not safe to assume that only configured wrap-up codes that are not x, y, or z solely triggers the action.

    You now have a fully configured condition. For example:
    A fully configured condition is displayed.
    For advanced techniques, see Test a contact column for empty, null, or zero values
  13. Optionally, select Add New Condition. Repeat steps 2–9 to configure the condition.
    Note: Conditions join with the AND operator, so a call must meet all rule conditions for the overall rule to evaluate True.
  14. Configure actions for this rule to perform when its conditions are met. See Configure rule actions for details.
  15. Select Save.

    1. Select Admin.
    2. Under Outbound, select Rule Management.
    3. Select the Digital Rule Sets tab.
    4. Select the name of a rule set.
    5. Select Add New Rule.
    6. Enter a name in the Digital Rule Name box.
    7. Select Pre-Contact or Post-Contact from the Category list. This selection configures when the system evaluates the rule. For more information, see Pre-call rules for digital campaigns and Post-contact rules for digital campaigns.
    8. Select a condition from the Type list. This condition is the item that you want the rule to examine:
      Contact Address Available in pre-contact and post-contact rule conditions. Use Contact Address to compare the address in the contact record to a fixed value.
      Contact Address Type Available in pre-contact and post-contact rule conditions. Use Contact Address Type to compare the type of address to a fixed value.
      Contact Column Available in pre-contact and post-contact rule conditions. Use Contact Column to compare any column in the contact record to a fixed value.
      Data Action

      Data Action configures a pre-contact rule condition to evaluate the result of a data action. To set up this type of rule condition, select a predefined data action, configure the input data that the action requires, and tell the rule how to evaluate information returned by the action.

      Using data action rule conditions, a rule can evaluate data returned from the Genesys Cloud Public API, Salesforce, Zendesk, or external REST API endpoints.

      As data action rule conditions take a few steps to set up, this condition type is more fully discussed in the topic Use a digital rule to evaluate information from a data action. For more information, see Data actions in the About integrations article.

      Last Attempt by Column Available in pre-contact rule conditions. Last Attempt by Column allows you to compare, by media type, any column in the contact record to a Relative Time value (number of days, hours, and minutes in the past).
      Last Attempt Overall Available in pre-contact rule conditions. Last Attempt Overall allows you to compare, by media type, the last time that the system attempted to send a message to a Relative Time value (number of days, hours, and minutes in the past).
      Last Result by Column Available in pre-contact and post-contact rule conditions. Last Result by Column allows you to compare, by media type, any column in the contact record to a user-entered wrap-up code. Users can select multiple wrap-up codes.
      Last Result Overall Available in pre-contact and post-contact rule conditions. Last Result Overall allows you to compare, by media type, the last queue wrap-up code result to a user-entered wrap-up code. Users can select multiple wrap-up codes.
    9. As applicable for the type selected, complete the condition, as prompted. For example, if you chose Contact Column, the system prompts you to select a column name. Select media type, comparator, and wrap-up codes, in similar ways.
      Use the Conditions box to configure the conditions for the Type selected. For example, if the Type is Contact List Column, the system prompts you to select a Column Name.
    10. To determine how the system makes the comparison, in the Comparator box select a comparison operator.
    11. If applicable, type or choose a selection from the Value box. This selection establishes what the system compares a condition to.
    12. In rare situations you have to invert the expression, so that the system performs its action when the opposite of the expression is true. An inverted condition performs actions when the condition is not met. To set the inversion, toggle Invert Condition to Yes
      • To perform an action when the condition is met, toggle Invert Condition to No. This is the default setting.
      • To perform an action when the condition is not met, toggle Invert Condition to Yes
      You now have a fully configured condition. For example:
      A fully configured condition is displayed.
      For advanced techniques, see Test a contact column for empty, null, or zero values.

    13. Optionally, select Add New Condition. Repeat steps 2–9 to configure the condition.
      Note: Conditions join with the AND operator, so a call must meet all rule conditions for the overall rule to evaluate True.
    14. Configure actions for this rule to perform when its conditions are met. See Configure rule actions for details.
    15. Select Save.