Series: Add operating schedules and configure call routes

Add schedules and configure interaction routing


The following permissions:

  • Architect > Flow > Add
  • Architect > Flow > Edit
  • Architect > FlowView

Operating schedules are used for common definitions of time, which are then applied to multiple groups under multiple circumstances. An operating schedule stipulates when a flow runs, based upon the date, time, or event. You can define operating schedules to handle recurring events, holidays, or special situations, such as your regular business hours or after-hours support. 

Architect uses operating schedules to determine how to manage inbound and outbound interaction routing. For example, an operating schedule can determine which flow to execute during open or closed hours.

Continue to the next article to set up schedules that determine when a call flow runs, create and define schedule groups, and associate an IVR with a phone number, schedules, and schedule groups.

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