Configure activity codes


The following permissions:

  • Workforce Management > Activity Code > AddEditDelete, and View

Activity codes are subsets of activity categories, which contain the activity codes. Use activity codes wherever you use activity categories. This feature allows you to customize and better define the activities your organization uses. Use activity codes in schedule editing of future, current, and past schedules. Administrators can use activity codes to help define scheduling needs.

Note: Before you begin, make sure that you select the appropriate business unit from the list, located in the upper right corner.

  • Use activity codes to measure and manage shrinkage. Activity code data answers questions like the following:
  • How much planned and unplanned time was tracked with activity codes as it relates to time in the published schedule?
  • How much total unplanned shrinkage occurred within a specified date range across all agents and all codes?
  • How much unplanned shrinkage occurred for a specific code within a specified date range for all agents or a specific agent?
  • How much total shrinkage (planned and unplanned) occurred within a specified date range across all agents and all codes?
Column Description
Delete Remove the selected activity code or codes from the selected management unit.
Add Open the Add Activity Code page and set up a new activity code.
Search filters Click the arrow at the end of corresponding columns, or use the search boxes to add text to narrow your search.
Activity Code Name View current activity code name in this management unit. 
Default View whether the activity is the default entry in the activity category.
Activity Code This section lists the name and category fields assigned to the activity.
Name View the name assigned to the current activity codes in this management unit.
Category View the activity codes. The 8 default categories are: On Queue Work, Off Queue Work, Break, Meal, Meeting, Time Off, Training, and Unavailable.
Adherence Settings This section lists the primary and secondary status fields, which can be used to configure the primary and secondary status of the activity. 
Primary Status View the primary status of this activity. 
Secondary Status View the secondary status of this activity.
Note: The agent can view the secondary status based on the division and permissions that an administrator assigns to the agent. The secondary statuses are grouped and displayed by the primary status. If the agent does not have permission to view secondary statuses in the division that contains a particular secondary status, the status appears as Restricted instead of the status name.
Time Settings This section lists the duration settings of the activity.
Length View the activity’s default length of time in minutes.
Counts as Paid Time View whether the activity counts toward the agent’s paid time.
Is Interruptible View whether activities in the agent’s schedule are interruptible for coaching appointments. The system enables this toggle by default for On Queue activity codes only. Only those activity codes that are enabled under this category are checked for available slots in the New Coaching Appointment screen. For more information on scheduling a new coaching appointment, see Schedule a coaching appointment.
Counts as Work Time View whether the activity should be counted as work time. If utilized, the contiguous work time constraint ensures that agents do not work too long without getting a break or work too short between two non-work time activities. For more information, see the Optionally set up contiguous work time section in Configure the work plan’s daily shifts.
Shrinkage Activity Select whether the activity is planned or unplanned.
Agent Selectable View whether the agents can select the activity code when requesting time off, if the activity code is mapped to a Time-Off activity category.
More Click to view a menu and select Delete to remove an activity code.

Built-in categories contain a default activity code of the same name. You cannot delete a built-in category, and you can edit, but not delete, the default activity code.

Default activity code Length in minutes Counts as paid time Counts as contiguous work time
Break 15 Yes No
Meal 30 No No
Meeting 30 Yes Yes
Off Queue  60 Yes Yes
On Queue 120 Yes Yes
Time Off 120 No No
Training 30 Yes Yes
Unavailable 60 No No

An agent calls in sick

Create sick time activity codes (for example, paid sick time, unpaid sick time) in the Time-Off activity category. Update the schedule with a sick time activity code to remove the agent from staffing projections and track the sick time activity for shrinkage reporting.

An agent uses FMLA

Create FMLA activity codes (for example, planned FMLA, intermittent FMLA, unpaid FMLA) in the Time-Off activity category. To remove the agent from staffing projections and track the FMLA activity for shrinkage reporting, update the schedule with the FMLA activity code that matches the agents status.

A team participates in weekly meetings

Create a team-specific meeting activity code in the Meeting activity category. Update the schedule with the meeting activity code to remove those agents from staffing projections and track the activity for reporting purposes.

For more information about activity codes, see the tasks in the following articles.

Task Description
Add an activity code Create an activity code and define the code’s parameters.
Manage activity codes Edit an activity code’s configured parameters, or delete one or more activity codes from your organization.
Filter and sort workforce management items Depending on your view, narrow or categorize workforce management items for search purposes.