Workforce management permissions overview

Feature coming soon: Activity Plans

To use workforce management features, you need the permissions described here. For more information about Genesys Cloud’s feature permissions, see About roles and permissions.

Note: It can take up to five minutes for permission updates to make their way through Genesys Cloud and take effect.

If you lose access to workforce management features, make sure that your role includes the appropriate permissions.

Note: To view queue, language, and skill names in workforce management, ensure that you have the following permissions:
  • To view queue names: Routing > Queue > Search permission
  • To view skill and language names: Routing > Skill > Manage permission

Without these permissions, queue, skill, and language names appear incorrectly; for example, <Unknown1> and <Unknown2>. Unknown names are consistent within a single screen, but are not consistent throughout the other screens in the application.

Workforce management roles and permissions

Workforce management bases permissions on tasks or job functions. An administrator from the Genesys Cloud organization must assign the appropriate permissions to the selected user or users. 

Workforce management activity codes

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Activity Code > Add Add a new activity code and define the activity code’s parameters. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Activity Code > Delete Delete activity codes, excluding default activity codes. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Activity Code > Edit Edit activity codes. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Activity Code > View View existing activity codes. Genesys Cloud CX 2

Workforce management activity plans

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Activity Plan > Add Add a new activity plan and define its parameters. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Activity Plan > Delete Delete activity plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Activity Plan > Edit Edit activity plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Activity Plan > View View existing activity plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management agents

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Agent > Edit Edit agent assignments in a management unit. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Agent > View View agent assignments in a management unit. Genesys Cloud CX 2

Workforce management business units

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Business Unit > Add Add business units. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Business Unit > Delete Delete business units. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Business Unit > Edit Edit business unit information. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Business Unit > Search Search for business units across divisions. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Business Unit > View View business units. Genesys Cloud CX 2

Workforce management forecasting

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Analytics > conversationsAggregate > View View the Forecasting page. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management forecasts

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Forecast > Add Add forecasts. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Forecast > Delete Delete forecasts. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Forecast > Edit Edit forecasts. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Forecast > View View forecasts. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management historical adherence

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Historical Adherence > View View historical adherence for the selected time range. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management historical shrinkage

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Shrinkage > View View historical shrinkage data for the selected date range and granularity. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management historical data import

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Historical Data > Upload Upload historical data in a .csv file. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management intraday monitoring

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Intraday Monitoring > View View intraday monitoring to see the differences between what the original forecast and what actually occurs in real time for the current day. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Analytics > conversationAggregate > View View the intraday monitoring page. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Analytics > userAggregate > View View the intraday monitoring page. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management management units

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Management Unit > Add Add and configure new management units. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Management Unit > Delete Delete existing management units. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Management Unit > Edit Edit management units, excluding the name, start day of the week, or time zone. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Management Unit > Search Search for management units across divisions. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Management Unit > View View management units. Genesys Cloud CX 2

Workforce management planning groups

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Planning Group > Add Add planning groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Planning Group > Delete Delete planning groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Planning Group > Edit Edit planning groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Planning Group > View View planning groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management staffing groups

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Staffing Group > Add Add staffing groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Staffing Group > Delete Delete staffing groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Staffing Group > Edit Edit staffing groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Staffing Group > View View staffing groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management real-time adherence

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Real-Time Adherence > View View real-time adherence. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management schedules

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Published Schedule > View View published schedules. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Schedule > Add Add a new schedule. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Schedule > Delete Delete a schedule. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Schedule > Edit Edit a schedule. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Schedule > Generate Generate a schedule based on forecast need. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Schedule > View View existing schedules. Genesys Cloud CX 2

Workforce management service goal templates

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Service Goal Templates > Add Add new service goal templates. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Service Goal Templates > Delete Delete existing service goal templates. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Service Goal Templates > Edit Edit service goal templates. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Service Goal Templates > View View existing service goal templates. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management shift trades

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Shift Trade Request > Edit Approve or deny shift trade requests. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Shift Trade Request > View View shift requests. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management time-off limits

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Time-Off Limits  > Add Add time-off limits. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Time-Off Limits  > Delete Delete time-off limits. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Time-Off Limits  > Edit Edit time-off limits. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Time-Off Limits  > View View time-off limits. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management time-off plans

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Time-Off Plans > Add Add time-off plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Time-Off Plans > Delete Delete time-off plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Time-Off Plans > Edit Edit time-off plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Time-Off Plans > View View time-off plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management time-off requests

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Time-Off Requests > Add Add time-off requests. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Time-Off Requests > Delete Delete time-off requests. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Time-Off Requests > Edit Edit time-off requests. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Time-Off Requests > View View time-off requests. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management work plans

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Work Plans > Add Create and configure work plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plans > Delete Delete work plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plans > Edit Update or change work plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plans > View View work plans. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management work plan bid

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Work Plan Bid > Add Add work plan bids. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan Bid > Delete Delete work plan bids. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan Bid > Edit Edit work plan bids. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan Bid > View View work plan bids. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan Bid Group > Add Add work plan bid groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan Bid Group > Delete Delete work plan bid groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan Bid Group > Edit Edit work plan bid groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan Bid Group > View View work plan bid groups. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management work plan rotations

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Work Plan rotations > Add Create and configure work plan rotations. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan rotations > Delete Delete work plan rotations. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan rotations > Edit Update or change work plan rotations. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Work Plan rotations > View View work plan rotations. Genesys Cloud CX 3

Workforce management adherence explanation

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Adherence explanation > View View adherence explanations in the schedule editor. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Adherence explanation > Add Add adherence explanations in the schedule editor. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Adherence explanation > View > Edit Approve or deny late explanation requests. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Adherence explanation > View > Notify View work plan rotations. Genesys Cloud CX 3

This table lists the workforce management permissions available to agents.

This permission Allows these actions And requires this license
Workforce Management > Agent Adherence > Notify Allows an agent to receive out of adherence notifications Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Agent Schedule > View View one’s own workforce management schedule in the dashboard. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Agent Schedule > Sync Sync the agent schedule via ICS. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Agent Shift Trade Request > Participate Create, view, edit, match, and cancel shift trade requests. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Workforce Management > Agent Time Off Request > Submit Allows agents to submit time-off requests. Genesys Cloud CX 3
Mobile > Tempo > View Allows agents to use the Tempo mobile app. Genesys Cloud CX 2
Workforce Management > Agent Adherence Explanation > Submit Allows agents to submit adherence requests (currently only used in Genesys Tempo). Genesys Cloud CX 3


Add workforce management permissions

If you have the Master Admin role, restore the role to the latest valid permission set:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under People and Permissions, click Roles/Permissions.
  3. Optionally, use the Search filter to locate the Master Admin role.
  4. In the Master Admin row, click Edit Role.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click Restore Default Role.

If you use a separate role for workforce management access, add the relevant permissions:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under People and Permissions, click Roles/Permissions.
  3. Optionally use the Search filter to locate the appropriate role.
  4. In the role’s row, click Edit Role.
  5. Click the Permissions tab and click All Permissions.
  6. Select the appropriate workforce management permissions and click Save.

While the default permissions are a good starting point, you can change settings to fit your organization. The following example shows how to restrict the workforce management permission access to only selected work teams in the historical adherence, real-time adherence, and schedule views.

For example, you could give a supervisor permission to view real-time adherence.  If the supervisor has a work teams permission, the supervisor could filter this view by selecting one or more work teams. You could limit the work teams available in the filter to just the work teams the supervisor manages by setting a condition on the real-time adherence permission. 

Note: To make work teams show up as filters, you also need to grant the team lead or supervisor one of the work teams permissions. For more information, see Work teams overview.

Work teams conditions are available for these permissions:

  • Workforce Management > Historical Adherence > All Permissions
  • Workforce Management > Historical Adherence > View
  • Workforce Management > Real-Time Adherence > All Permissions
  • Workforce Management > Real-Time Adherence > View
  • Workforce Management > Schedule > Edit
  • Workforce Management > Schedule > View
  • Workforce Management > Published Schedule > View

To modify default permissions and display work teams as filters, perform these steps:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under People and Permissions, click Roles/Permissions.
  3. Select the appropriate role. 
  4. In the Permissions list, search for Workforce Management permissions.
  5. In the table row for a workforce management permission,  click Add Conditions. The Conditions page appears.
  6. Choose a condition, operator, and value, such as:
    • Condition Type: Work Team
    • Operator: Equals
    • Value: Support Team 1

This example restricts Historical Adherence permission to only Support Team 1’s information. 

  1. (Optionally) To add another work team, click Add .
  2. To confirm the choice or choices, click Submit.
  3. Click Save or Save and Continue to save the changes.

For more information about customizing Genesys Cloud roles, see Edit a role and Roles and permissions overview. For more a complete summary of Genesys Cloud roles and permissions, see Products, roles, and permissions list.