About Directory administration

Use Directory features to manage groups, work teams, locations, profiles, and external contacts.

Directory overview

The Directory lists the people, groups, locations, and external contacts in your organization. 

Create and manage groups

Connect users based on their skills, relationships, locations, or anything else to create groups within your organization. Add individuals to groups, or add people by keywords and relationships using group membership rules. 

Create and manage work teams

While contact centers manage agent performance individually, managers evaluate supervisors by their ability to manage the agents who report to them. Supervisors can organize the agents they manage into work teams. Supervisors can use work teams as a filter to monitor adherence, schedule activities, and filter performance views.

Add and assign locations

Add the cities and buildings where your users work so users can add those locations to their profiles. Upload a floor plan for each level of a building and user can show their exact office location. Assign locations to users, or remove locations from users.

Configure profiles

Customize the profile configuration for your organization. Add sections and fields, or rename and reorder the ones that are already there. Change the labels on the profile interface and manage translations.   

Manage external contacts

Build a comprehensive repository of data about your external organizations and contacts. Create a simplified view of all contact and organization data.