Ports and services for your firewall overview

On the About ports and services for your firewall page, you’ll find sections for each of the Genesys Cloud telephony connection options as well as sections that apply to all of the telephony connection options. In each section, you’ll find links to articles that provide information on the ports and services that you need to configure for a specific source/client.

The source device is the client which initiates the network communication. From this device, all connections are considered outbound. In typical TCP network communication, the client selects a unique ephemeral port in which transmitted traffic originates.

Within the source/client articles, you’ll find tables that provide configuration information under the following headings:

  • Service

The service is a description of the application protocol or service type being used in the transmission.

  • Transport/Port (Application)

The transport protocol is a description of the type of network traffic used for the application. Most applications use either TCP or UDP as a transport, and sometimes both, which depends on how the application operates. Most applications’ protocols have standard ports selected, which are commonly used for that service on the public internet. Genesys Cloud typically uses the standard port for each application protocol.

  • Destination

The destination device is the server which is listening for “inbound” requests to the application port. Inbound requests are received from the client from its transmission port.

  • Description

The description contains additional information about the connectivity requirement.

Note: When the content of any individual ports and services article changes, that change will be indicated by an update to the Effective date at the top of the article. Details of the change will be described in the Revision history.