Outbound campaign details view

  • The following permissions (included in the Outbound Admin role):
    • Outbound > Contact List > View
    • Outbound > Campaign > View
    • Routing > Wrap-up Code > View
    • Analytics > conversationAggregate > View

To see statistics and other details for a specific active campaign, click Performance > Outbound Campaigns and select a campaign on the Campaigns dashboard page. The view shows campaign statistics, wrap-up call details for the last 24 hours or a different configurable time frame, live or historical interactions, and scheduled interactions for that campaign.

Click the image to enlarge.Shows the Campaign Details view

The green campaign progress indicator shows the dialing mode and the percentage of contact records with callable numbers completed on the active campaign. Contact records with callable numbers excludes: contacts without a number on a DNC list, wrap-up mapping applied, and attempt limits or rules set.

A yellow progress indicator means that the campaign is stopping. It still has calls in progress, but is not placing any new calls.

Note: For the campaign progress, the numberOfContactsCalled statistic decreases when the time for a recall or rule schedule call is due while the interaction is placed into the campaign’s dialing queue, and it has not yet been processed, which causes the campaign progress indicator to decrease.

The campaign overview provides useful statistics for contact center managers, updated in real time as the campaign progresses, whenever a value changes.

Campaign statistic  Description
Connect Rate The total number of calls detected as live voice divided by the total number of calls dialed, expressed as a percentage.
Idle Agents The number of available agents who are not currently on campaign calls.
Effective Idle Agents The portion of idle agents that are dedicated to this campaign.
Adjusted Calls/Agent The ratio of the target abandon rate setting and the current abandon rate for the campaign.
Outstanding Calls The present number of in-progress outbound calls. This metric is most useful when campaigns stop or start since it indicates the number of calls that are active without resolution. Once a campaign places a call, the system includes it in the outstanding call count. The call remains part of that count until the agent or system has completed the wrap-up. Recalls and scheduled callbacks do not count as outstanding calls until they come due and the campaign places the calls. 
Scheduled Calls The present number of scheduled outbound calls. This metric includes the number of scheduled recalls for all dialing modes as well as the number of rule-scheduled callbacks for non-preview dialing modes. It does not include the number of callbacks manually scheduled by agents.
Compliance Abandon Rate The percentage of calls that did not reach the agent within the configured compliance abandon threshold compared to the configurable calls subject to the compliance abandon rate. See Outbound settings. For more information, see Outbound abandoned calls.
True Abandon Rate The percentage of calls transferred to the queue that never reached an agent, most likely because the customer ended the call. For more information, see Outbound abandoned calls.
Outbound Lines When running campaigns with a fixed number of lines or the explicit weight is configured, Outbound Lines displays the current number of outbound lines allocated to the campaign and the number of lines available for outbound dialing on an Edge group or a Site. The number of available lines is adjusted in accordance with the Max Line Utilization setting. For information about Max Line Utilization, see Outbound settings.
Business Categories

The counts for the wrap-up codes that map to Business Success, Business Failure, and Business Neutral categories, for the campaign.

The wrap-up details graph shows the outcome of calling attempts, based on the frequency of agent-assigned wrap-up codes that the campaign used in the selected time period. The wrap-up details graph updates every 10 seconds.

Change the selected time period

Modify the wrap-up details graph to show the frequency of wrap-up codes that the campaign used in a time period other than the default 24 hours.

  1. Click the arrow next to Last 24 hours.
  2. Select a relative time or custom configurable time.
    • In the Relative Time tab, select a time from the dropdown list. Examples of relative times are Last 30 Minutes, Last Hour, and Last 4 Hours.
    • In the Custom Time tab, select a start and end date, and a start and end time.
  3. Click OK.

Note: If you modify a campaign configuration so that it dials a different contact list, the same wrap-up code might appear multiple times in the wrap-up details graph.

The interactions tab shows the live and historical interactions for the campaign, updated every 10 seconds. You can pause and resume the 10-second auto-refresh in both tabs.

Note: If the user does not have permissions to query interactions, Genesys Cloud hides the interactions tab.

Live interactions (default)

Cancel, monitor, transfer, or wrap-up an interaction in the Actions column.

Action Description


  1. Click Terminate interaction.


  1. Click Monitor this call.
  2. From the dropdown list, select a participant to call.


  1. Click Transfer.
  2. From the dropdown list, select a user or queue and click Transfer, or click Transfer to Me.


  1. Click Wrap Up.

Historical interactions

To view historical interactions, click View historical interactions.

View interactions for the current day (default), the last seven days, or the last 30 days. 

Scheduled interactions tab

The scheduled interactions tab shows callbacks that were scheduled by the campaign. This includes calls scheduled as part of a recall attempt control. For non-preview dialing modes, it also includes calls scheduled by a wrap-up call rule. Callbacks scheduled by agents do not appear in this dashboard. 

This list of scheduled callbacks is updated every 10 seconds, but you can pause and resume the 10-second auto-refresh.

Note: If the user does not have permissions to query scheduled interactions, Genesys Cloud hides the interactions tab.

Cancel a scheduled interaction in the Actions column.

Action  Description


  1. Click Terminate interaction.