Manage multiple interactions

Depending on your organization settings, you can receive and work with multiple interactions and types of interactions at the same time. For example, you could work with two chats at one time or receive a call while answering chats. Or you could work with two email interactions and place a call on behalf of a queue.

Note: For more information, see Agent utilization.

When you go on queue to accept new interactions, the Interactions panel opens. When you are not on queue, to view the Interactions panel, from the sidebar, click Interactions.The Interactions icon

To accept a new interaction, click Answer. To refuse an incoming interaction, click Decline. For more information, see Accept and complete interactions.

Note: If your admin sets the voice call capacity for agent utilization to more than one, you do not receive an audible notification when a second voice interaction arrives in your roster. Instead, you receive a pop-up notification when a second call arrives.

On the left side, the Interactions list, or roster, new and current interactions appear. Each interaction appears separately in the list. If an external contact has multiple interactions on different channels, Genesys Cloud groups that external contact’s interactions together. To work with an interaction, select its card from the Interactions list.

To track your current interactions, use the Interactions list. Timers and status icons indicate the type of interaction, its status–active or after-call work (ACW), and the duration of the interaction’s status.

Important: To build the interaction history for a contact and organization, remember to always link the contact that is associated with an interaction.