Edit a contact in the Interactions panel


The following permissions:

  • External Contacts > Contact > Edit 

After you have verified a contact, update or add information about a contact, including phone numbers, addresses, and other information. You can also edit a contact in the contact’s External Contacts profile

Note: You can edit information for contacts created in Genesys Cloud. You cannot edit information for contacts imported from Salesforce.
  1. Click Profile. The Profile panel icon
  2. Verify the contact’s profile for the interaction. 
  3. To the right of the contact’s name, click More and then Edit contact
  4. Enter contact information into the text boxes. 
  5. To clear any information that you added, at the bottom of the Profile panel, click Cancel.
    Note: If you cancel, Genesys Cloud does not unverify a profile.
  6. To save your changes, at the bottom of the Profile panel, click Save
Note: Newly created or updated contacts can take several minutes to appear in the agent view for inbound interactions.