Edit a contact

  • Externalcontacts > Contact > Edit permission (included in the Employee role)  
Note: You can edit information for contacts that you created in External Contacts. You cannot edit information for contacts that you imported from Salesforce.
  1. Click Directory > External Contacts.
  2. If necessary, search for the contact.
    Click the row that contains the contact. 
  3. Click Edit Contact.
  4. Update the information.
    • Genesys recommends that you enter the full E.164 number. You can add non-E.164 numbers to any field, but they are not searchable. Genesys Cloud does not support extension-only numbers.

    • Genesys Cloud’s default country code is +1 for the United States; however, your admin can change that setting.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Optionally manage notes.