Create a WebRTC phone trunk

When creating a WebRTC phone trunk, Genesys recommends that you just choose the appropriate WebRTC phone trunk type and rely on the default settings under the Connection Configuration section. However, if you need to exercise more control over the configuration of your WebRTC phone trunk, see Configure advanced WebRTC phone trunk settings.

If you need more information about any of the settings on the Create/Edit Phone Trunk page, see WebRTC phone trunk settings.

Note: Confirm that the ports required for WebRTC are not blocked by your firewall. For more information, see About ports and services for your firewall.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Trunks.
  3. Click the Phone Trunks tab.
  4. Click Create New.
  5. In Phone Trunk Name, enter a trunk name.
  6. From the Type list choose one of the following: 
    • Select Cloud WebRTC Phone Connections, if you are using BYOC Cloud.
    • Select WebRTC, if you are using BYOC Premises.
  7. Click Save Phone Trunk.