Authorized users and groups

An authorized user is a user who has permission to work in an organization other than the user’s home organization. By managing authorized users and groups, you can allow users and groups from another Genesys Cloud organization to work in your organization and track their activity.

For example, if you are in a trusted relationship with a partner, you can allow the partner’s users to help you configure your Genesys Cloud organization. The partner’s team of support personnel are authorized users for a customer’s organization.

You can assign roles and permissions to ensure that each user or group has the appropriate level of access. You can also remove access if necessary. Use groups to streamline the management of which users have access to your organization.

To streamline the management of authorized users, use groups. Create groups in your home organization. Then request permission for them to work in another organization. All members in the group receive the same roles and permissions. If you change the membership of the group by adding or removing a user, you do not affect the other members of the group.

  • An organization can have a maximum 25 authorized users.
  • Genesys Cloud tracks authorized users separately from regular Genesys Cloud users. Authorized users do not affect user counts for the purposes of licensing and billing.

Authorized users assist only with administrative tasks. The following functionality is unavailable to an authorized user in another organization.

Feature Details
  • This feature is not available.
  • Authorized users cannot chat with other users.
  • Authorized users cannot search chats in public groups.
  • The authorized user cannot receive interactions.
  • The agent dashboard does not load because the authorized user has no interaction statistics.
  • The active interactions panel does not load because the authorized user has no interactions.
Phone calls
  • This feature is not available.
Video conferences
  • This feature is not available.