Surface knowledge manually with the Genesys Agent Assist

To search the Genesys Agent Assist:

  1. To access Genesys Agent Assist, click the lightbulb icon (Lightbulb icon) at the right side of the Interactions pane.
  2. Start your conversation with the customer.
  3. In the Search box, type your question or keyword. Genesys Agent Assist uses type ahead to try to provide answers as you type.
  4. To see the content of an article, click Show more. When you click an article, Genesys Agent Assist hides the previously displayed suggestions.

    Tip: To get the best search results, consider the following:
    • Grammatically accurate words return more relevant answers.
    • Avoid long phrases and generic statements.
  5. To insert the response into your live session, click Copy to chat at the lower right of the selected response. You can edit your message before sending.
  6. To return to the list of suggested articles, click the arrow icon at the upper left corner of the opened article.
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