Delete a division

You can delete a single division, or you can delete multiple divisions at once. Do not delete a division that contains configuration objects. Ensure that you move existing objects to other divisions before you delete a division.

  • When you delete a division, you can no longer access historical transactional data. This data might not be available in historical reporting.
  • You can delete a division even if there are users that have access to the division. On deletion, the access is revoked. If a user’s role is specific to the deleted division and not assigned to any other division, they will lose that role entirely.
  • You cannot delete the HOME division.
  • Deleted divisions cannot be restored in Genesys Cloud.
  • You cannot delete interactions by division. When you delete a division, any interactions and interaction data associated with the division will not be deleted.

Delete a single division

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under People & Permissions, click Divisions.
  3. Search for or navigate to the division you want to delete.
  4. Click  next to the division to remove. The Confirm Division Deletion dialog box appears.
  5. Click Delete Division.

Delete multiple divisions

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under People & Permissions, click Divisions.
  3. Search for or navigate to the divisions you want to delete.
  4. Select the check box for each division that you want to remove.
  5. Click Delete all selected. The Confirm Division Deletion dialog box appears.
  6. Click Delete Divisions.

Effect of division deletion on secondary statuses

When you delete a division that has secondary statuses assigned to it, the secondary statuses are soft deleted. You can retrieve the secondary statuses using the following API call:

GET /api/v2/presence/definitions?deactivated=true

This API call fetches the secondary statuses names. You can use these names when you create a secondary status for a primary status.

Effect of division deletion on wrap-up codes

When you delete a division that has wrap-up codes assigned to it, the wrap-up codes are soft deleted. You can retrieve the wrap-up codes using the following API call:

GET /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/divisionviews?includeState=DELETED

This API call fetches the wrap-up code names. You can use these names when you recreate division-aware wrap-up codes.