Delete a division
You can delete a single division, or you can delete multiple divisions at once. Do not delete a division that contains configuration objects. Ensure that you move existing objects to other divisions before you delete a division.
- When you delete a division, you can no longer access historical transactional data. This data might not be available in historical reporting.
- You can delete a division even if there are users that have access to the division. On deletion, the access is revoked. If a user’s role is specific to the deleted division and not assigned to any other division, they will lose that role entirely.
- You cannot delete the HOME division.
- Deleted divisions cannot be restored in Genesys Cloud.
- You cannot delete interactions by division. When you delete a division, any interactions and interaction data associated with the division will not be deleted.
Delete a single division
- Click Admin.
- Under People & Permissions, click Divisions.
- Search for or navigate to the division you want to delete.
- Click next to the division to remove. The Confirm Division Deletion dialog box appears.
- Click Delete Division.
Delete multiple divisions
- Click Admin.
- Under People & Permissions, click Divisions.
- Search for or navigate to the divisions you want to delete.
- Select the check box for each division that you want to remove.
- Click Delete all selected. The Confirm Division Deletion dialog box appears.
- Click Delete Divisions.
Effect of division deletion on secondary statuses
When you delete a division that has secondary statuses assigned to it, the secondary statuses are soft deleted. You can retrieve the secondary statuses using the following API call:
GET /api/v2/presence/definitions?deactivated=true
This API call fetches the secondary statuses names. You can use these names when you create a secondary status for a primary status.
Effect of division deletion on wrap-up codes
When you delete a division that has wrap-up codes assigned to it, the wrap-up codes are soft deleted. You can retrieve the wrap-up codes using the following API call:
GET /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/divisionviews?includeState=DELETED
This API call fetches the wrap-up code names. You can use these names when you recreate division-aware wrap-up codes.