Search for a contact

If Genesys Cloud automatically links an incorrect contact for your interaction, you can search for the correct contact.

  1. In the profile panel, to unlink the contact, click .
  2. Search for a contact in the search box.
  3. To remove the search terms that you do not want to include in the search, in the search box, click Clear .
  4. Type the contact’s information in the box. You can search by many types of criteria including name, email address, phone number, and so on.

    Note: To search for a term without the conversion, enclose the term in quotation marks. For example, to search for account ID 8005551212, enter the following:  "8005551212”. The External Contact Management UI converts valid phone numbers to E.164 format. To search for a non-E.164 number, 020-2672-6670, enter "020-2672-6670".

  5. View the matching contacts in the search results list.
    Note: Newly created or updated contacts could take several minutes to appear in the agent view for inbound interactions. 
  6. To view the details of a contact, click the contact name.
  7. When you find the correct contact, click Select contact to link it to the interaction.

    Important: To build the interaction history for a contact and organization, remember to always link the contact that is associated with an interaction.