Genesys Cloud - email tag

List of the Genesys Cloud release notes that include the email release notes tag.
November 8, 2017

Contact center

  • Improved support for external contacts in email interactions


  • Screen share and co-browse support for Genesys Cloud for Salesforce
  • Screen share and co-browse support for Genesys Cloud for Zendesk
  • Screen share and co-browse support for Genesys Cloud for Chrome

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February 8, 2017


  • Loading of chat history

Contact center

  • Outbound email on behalf of a queue


  • Genesys Cloud for CIC co-browse feature

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February 1, 2017


  • Admin UI relaunch

Contact center

  • ACD support for chats in client integrations
  • Genesys Cloud for Salesforce and Omni-Channel status sync
  • ACD routing of third-party chat and email interactions
  • Queues Performance summary and detail views
  • IVR prompt support for ordinal numbers
  • Italian language support in Architect

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January 25, 2017


  • Web-based phone call controls in third-party applications
  • Web-based phone volume settings

Contact center

  • Email routing to an organization’s domain
  • Architect audio debugging
  • Inline images in emails
  • Agent Metrics and Agent Metrics Export reports

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March 23, 2016

Contact center

  • Response management
  • Email routing
  • French and German IVR prompt files and runtime playback support in Architect

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