Genesys Cloud - April 1, 2020

Contact center

Log an agent out of Genesys Cloud from agent views

Contact center managers and supervisors can now log an agent out of Genesys Cloud from various agent views. Supervisors may need to log an agent out of a view if the agent forgets to do so at the end of their shift. For more information, see Log an agent out of Genesys Cloud

Disassociate an agent from a station

Several agent views and the Queues Activity Detail view now contain a new station column. Contact center managers and supervisors can view the station name associated with an agent from an icon in the station column. Managers can disassociate an agent from a station in these views, making the station available for another agent. For more information, see Disassociate an agent from a station

Web chat widget support for accessibility

An updated Version 2 web chat widget with advanced support for accessibility is now available. The support follows the W3C specifications for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA. This feature enables developers to make web content more accessible to a wider range of users with disabilities, and to users in general. For more information, see Product Advisory: Widget version 2 – Accessibility Support WCAG 2.1 Level AA and Accessibility.

Use * and # as terminating characters in Architect call flows

Administrators and contact center managers can now use “*” and “#” as terminating characters or on their own in Collect Input actions for all call flow types. This enhancement allows the “*” and “#” to be saved as a variable and be used later in the call flows. For more information, see Collect Input action

New fonts and font sizes in ACD email

Agents can now compose emails using different fonts and font sizes. The default font is Helvetica. For more information, see Format text in an email message


Disable Collaborate chat

Administrators can now disable the Collaborate chat feature for users across the organization. A new permission enables Collaborate chat for the Employee role for all organizations. If the organization uses other platforms for collaborative chat, administrators can remove this permission from the necessary roles. For more information, see Turn off Collaborate chat.

Premium application purchase enhancements

Premium applications are now available for purchase after a free trial. In addition, some premium applications are now available for purchase without a free trial.


TLS 1.0 protocol deprecation removal

On April 1, 2020, Genesys ended support of the TLS 1.0 protocol for data actions. For more information, see Deprecation: TLS 1.0 for data actions.

ACD routing permissions change postponement

Genesys announced the ACD routing permissions change on February 19, 2020, with a March 25, 2020 change date. Genesys postponed the change date to April 1, 2020. It is now postponed to a later date (TBD). For more information, see ACD routing permissions change.