Within a flow’s general configuration, you can configure supported languages. Architect lists the names of supported languages in audio-related forms, so that you can select a particular language for playback or recording of a prompt. For more information about adding a supported language, see Add a supported language to a flow.

Under Settings, click Supported Languages

Name Description and use

Add Language

Add the languages that you want to support within the flow. When you select a supported language, Architect returns a message when it does not support runtime data playback or TTS playback for the selected language. Valid languages include IETF region subtags, for example: (en-US).


Click the language that you want to select as the default language for the flow.

Note: If an interaction does not have a set language, then Architect uses the default language for the flow. For example, Architect transfers an interaction from one flow to another, and you set the language in Flow 1 but not in Flow 2. When Architect transfers the interaction from Flow 1 to Flow 2 and Flow 2 supports the language set in Flow 1, then Flow 2 defaults to that language.

Language column

View the list of languages selected for the flow.

Text To Speech column

(Optional) Select the default TTS speech engine and the voice to play back text-to-speech for each language. For more information, see Select a TTS engine and voice for a flow and About text-to-speech (TTS) engines.

Default Language Skill column

View the one-to-one mapping relationship to language-filtered ACD skills in Genesys Cloud. For example, if a language skill titled Swedish exists in Genesys Cloud, then Swedish is an available language skill in Architect.

The following scenarios describe how Architect determines language skill priority in a flow:

When the flow's default ACD language skill under Settings is And the language skill on the Transfer to ACD action is The agent is required to have
Set Not set The flow's default language skill
Set Set Transfer to ACD language skill
Not set Not set No language skill


Click this button next to the language that you want to remove.

You set your default language when you create a bot flow, and you cannot change it. You can also configure a knowledge base for the languages that you add here. However, knowledge bases are not available in all languages.

For more information about Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows supported languages, see Genesys Cloud supported languages.

Intent and slot type behavior for supported languages

You can only add, edit, and delete intents and slot types with the default language. Train each intent with a different set of training utterances per language. To add a new intent, use the default language and then enter training phrases for each intent. When you add a new slot type with the default language, use the Localized Value box to add a new set of synonyms for each supported language. For more information, see Add slot types and utterances to intents for supported languages in a flow.

Note: To use the multi-language support feature, you must use the native NLU engine. For more information, see Genesys natural language understanding (NLU) engine FAQs.
    Name Description and use

    Language column

    View the languages that apply to this flow.

    Speech To Text column

    (Optional) Select the default STT speech engine to use to transcribe utterances received from data actions. The speech engine then returns the results in text form to the chat bot. For more information, see About speech to text (STT) engines.

    Default Language Skill

    Choose from one of these options:

    • To ensure that a default language is not set, use the default No value specified configuration.
    • If you configure language skills Genesys Cloud Admin > Contact Center > ACD skills, then to select a language skill, follow these steps:
      1. Click Expression Mode .
      2. Click Literal Value.
      3. Under Value, select a language skill from the list.


    To manage the default knowledge base, click Knowledge.