Web messaging overview

Genesys Cloud web messaging provides customers with an enhanced experience when they visit your website. Unlike web chat, which provides short-lived, standalone chats, web messaging enables a visitor to enter your site, converse with a bot or agent, and return later to pick up the conversation. With Predictive Engagement, agents can view the entire customer journey as part of the web messaging interaction. Web messaging shares the same features and capabilities as the other Genesys Cloud messaging channels that use ACD messaging to enable agents to respond to customer interactions.

Web messaging offers these advantages over web chat:

  • Asynchronous conversations, customers can return and resume where they left off
  • Unified agent and supervisor experience across all Genesys Cloud messaging channels
  • Inbound and outbound image attachments
  • Basic and customized Messenger configuration and deployment in the Genesys Cloud Admin UI 


Messenger provides a predefined message window and launcher button which customers use to interact with bots and agents. You can define the appearance and behavior of the Messenger window.

Administrators can easily configure and deploy a standardized implementation of Messenger in the Message section in the Genesys Cloud Admin UI:

  • Messenger Configurations enables administrators to create multiple Messenger versions to customize branding and customer experience.
  • Messenger Deployments enables administrators to publish multiple Messenger configuration versions to their website with a single-click operation.

You can also customize your Messenger implementation using public REST APIs and the Messenger JavaScript SDK.

For more information, see Get started with web messaging.

Admin experience

Admins manage web messaging configurations and deployments in the Genesys Cloud Admin screens.

Here is an example of the admin side of web messaging.

Customer experience

Here is an example of the customer side of a web messaging interaction that includes an image attachment.

Agent experience

Web messaging interactions in the Interactions panel are similar to other messaging interactions.

Here is an example of the agent side of a web messaging interaction that includes an image attachment.