Change video chat settings

Genesys Cloud gives you options to customize your video chat experience.

To access video chat settings and preferences, from within a video chat, click Settings

Configure video chat settings

Choose camera, microphone, video quality settings and set other preferences. 

Camera : From the list, select the camera that you want to use. 

Microphone : From the list, select the microphone that you want to use, or select Default.

Speakers : From the list, select the speakers that you want to use, or select Default.

Video quality : From the list, select the setting for video quality.

Set more preferences:

You can set your preference for how you want to join video chats.

  • To join video chats with your microphone off, enable Mute my mic when joining.
  • To join video chats with your video off, enable Disable my camera when joining.
  • To join video chats automatically, without a confirmation window, enable Join conference automatically.
  • To join video chats with video popped out, enable Always popout my video when joining.
Note: For more information about how to troubleshoot video chat, see Troubleshoot Video Chat.