Supported content profiles

  • Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 3, or Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II license
  • Messaging > Supported Content > Add, Delete, Edit, and View permission

    Supported content profiles identify the media types that agents and customers can send through third-party messagingopen messaging, and web messaging. These media types include audio, video, images, text, applications, advanced and user-defined types. You can configure a content profile for each messaging channel and for inbound and outbound attachments. A messaging channel integration indicates the content profile to use. For more information, see the configuration procedure for your messaging channel.

    Genesys Cloud provides a default content profile that allows all inbound file types and .jpg, .png, and .gif for outbound file types. The default content profile applies if you do not assign a content profile to a messaging channel integration. In the default content profile:

    • You can change the file types allowed in the default content profile provided by Genesys Cloud.
    • You can set a different content profile as the default by clicking the asterisk next to the content profile name. If you set a new content profile as the default, the new default applies only to new messaging channel integrations. The new default content profile does not relate to an existing messaging channel integration.
    • You cannot delete the default content profile. To delete the current organization default profile, first set another content profile as the default. 

    Genesys Cloud enables you to send and receive attachments up to 25 MB. The third-party messaging platform that you use can have different file size restrictions. The maximum file size that a messaging platform allows depends on the media type that you attach. For more information, see your third-party messaging platform documentation for allowed maximum file sizes.

    The Supported Content Profiles view displays the most common media types. To add types not listed in this view, use the API. Supported content profiles can contain any valid media type string for inbound and outbound attachments. For more information about example media types, see Media Types on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website. The API can also use strings with the asterisk (*) wildcard character, such as “image/*” to allow all image types or “*/*” to allow all media types.

    Caution: When you allow all media types, you increase your risk of receiving unwanted or malicious files. For more information about using the API for supported content, see the messaging resources under the Conversations API resource list in the Developer Center.

    To configure a supported content profile, perform the following steps:
    1. Click Admin.
    2. Under Message, select Supported Content Profiles.
    3. Click New Content Profile.
    4. Enter a name for the content profile.
    5. Click Add File Types
    6. In the Add Inbound File Types pane, select the file types to allow. Select a category in the View list. Or, to filter the file types, start typing in the search box. You can select all or select individual files types. A check mark appears next to a selected type.
    7. Click Add Inbound Files. The selected file types appear in the Inbound tab.
    8. Click the Outbound tab. In the Add Outbound File Types pane, select the file types to allow. Select a category in the View list. Or, to filter the file types, start typing in the search box. You can select all or select individual files types.
    9. Select all or select individual files types. A check mark appears next to a selected type.
    10. Click Add Outbound Files. The selected file types appear in the Outbound tab.
    11. Click Create.

    Note: After creating a supported content profile, assign the content profile on your messaging channel integration. If you do not assign a content profile, the integration assigns your current default support content profile.

    Messaging channels differ in the media types that they support. Test that the supported content profile you are using matches the messaging channel’s allowed media types.

    • For third-party messaging platforms, such as Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, LINE, and WhatsApp, Genesys Cloud can further restrict the supported files types that you configure in your supported content profile. Test all types of files that you want to support for both inbound and outbound on each messaging platform you use. Examples of supported file name extensions include:
      • aac, 3g2, 3gp, 7z, amr, avi, .bmp, .csv, .doc, .docx, .eml, .gif, .heic, .ics, .jfif, .jpeg, .jpg, key, log, .m4a, .m4v, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mp4a, .MPEG, .mpg, mpga, neon, numbers, .odt, .oga, .ogg, .ogv, pages, .pdf, .png, .pps, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx, .qt, .svg, tif, .tiff, .txt, vcf, .wav, .webm, .webp, .wmv, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .yml, .yaml, .webp, .zip.
    • Some third-party messaging platforms can convert a file, such as an image, from one media type to another. For example, a third-party messaging platform converts a large animated .gif file to an .mp4 video file, or a .png to .jpg, to make the file size smaller. A third-party message platform can also convert a file depending on the client that sends the file, such as a web app vs. the mobile app. For the file types you want to send and receive, test how the third-party message platform handles the file types and adjust your supported media types accordingly. Consider supporting related types together for third-party platforms, such as .gif, .jpg, .png, and .mp4.

    Genesys Cloud uses a maximized media handling system for outbound message attachments. It stores the files in a temporary cache, which simplifies the data flow for the files that you send. When you repeatedly send the same files as part of outbound messages within the data retention period, the system uses the cached version of the file to avoid unnecessary files duplication and storage. This cache maintains a retention policy of 30 days (since the file was last created or referenced), with the option to access it via APIs.

    Regardless of the settings, the following file types are strictly blocked in inbound or outbound for Genesys Cloud messaging channels. Specifically, even if the customer allows all file types to send or receive, the file types in this table are blocked.

    File Type File Type
    .ade .msc
    .adp .msh
    .app .msh1
    .asp .msh2
    .bas .mshxml
    .bat .msh1xml
    .cab .msh2xml
    .cer .msi
    .chm .msp
    .cmd .mst
    .com .ops
    .cpl .pdc
    .crt .pif
    .csh .pig
    .der .prf
    .dll .prg
    .exe .reg
    .fxp .scf
    .gadget .scr
    .hlp .sct
    .hta .shb
    .inf .shs
    .ins .sys
    .isp .ps1
    .its .ps1xml
    .js .ps2
    .jse .ps2xml
    .ksh .psc1
    .lib .psc2
    .lnk .tmp
    .mad .url
    .maf .vb
    .mag .vbe
    .mam .vbs
    .maq .vps
    .mar .vsmacros
    .mas .vss
    .mat .vst
    .mau .vsw
    .mav .vxd
    .maw .ws
    .mda .wsc
    .mdb .wsf
    .mde .wsh
    .mdt .xnk
    .mdw .xll


    Messenger supports preview of files based on the browser in use. Each browser and the corresponding operating system support a set of file types for preview. Messenger uses this combination and the browser API to detect if it supports the file and then shows the preview. The following combinations are based on the file type:

    • Video/audio
      • Standard file types that are supported in all browsers are:
        • .mp4
        • .mpg4
        • .mpeg4
        • .m4v
        • .webm.
      • Other file types use canPlayType() to detect for support.
    • Images
      • Standard file types that are supported:
        • image/jpeg
        • image/png
        • image/gif
        • image/svg+xml
      • For other image types, we detect if it can be rendered by creating the HTML tag at runtime and show preview only if supported. Otherwise, it falls back to the download option.
    • Documents
      • text/plain file type is supported in all browsers.
      • application/pdf file type is supported in all browsers except in Safari.
      • All other document types can only be downloaded.