Rule management overview

A campaign can take intelligent actions based on logic in its assigned rule sets. This view manages Call rule sets and Digital rule sets, which are collections of call rules and digital rules. Call rule sets are evaluated before a call is placed or after it ends. Digital rule sets are evaluated before a message is sent or after it is sent.

  • Pre-call or wrap-up rule categories determine whether rule conditions are evaluated before the call is made or after the call is disconnected.
  • Rule conditions are tested to determine whether to perform actions. Conditions can evaluate the value of a call analysis, contact list column, contact property, phone number, phone number type, or wrap-up code.
  • Before the call begins, pre-call actions can set a caller ID number and name before dialing, can prevent the number from being dialed, dial in preview mode, or can update the value of a contact column, and so on.
  • When the call ends, wrap-up actions can update contact columns or append the contact’s number to the campaign’s first designated DNC list.

For more information, see Pre-call rules for voice campaigns and Wrap-up rules.

Use the Call Rule Sets view to manage rule set entries. Each rule set can contain multiple rules. The system evaluates an individual rule before it places the call or after the call ends. A rule can evaluate multiple conditions. Conditions are joined with AND operators, so a call must meet all rule conditions for the overall rule to evaluate True. Similarly, rules can carry out multiple actions. Actions are also joined with AND when the rule performs actions sequentially. Rules, callable times, and Do Not Contact actions are also applied to scheduled callbacks. 


UI element Action


Opens the selected rule set to edit its properties. The Edit button is not available unless an entry is selected.

Copy Duplicates the selected rule sets. See Copy a rule set for more information.
Delete Deletes the selected rule sets. See Delete a rule set for more information.
Create New Adds a new rule set. See Create a set of rules for more information.
 Name Sorts rule sets alphabetically to display names in ascending or descending order. The caret in the Name heading indicates whether the column sorts in ascending or descending order. 
Search Entering all or part of a name filters the rule sets list to display matching entries. If you don’t type any search text, all rule sets appear. To remove the filter and redisplay all entries, click the x at the right end of the filter box. 
Rule sets list This list displays rule set entries. Clicking a rule set name opens its properties for editing. See Edit a set of rules for more information.

Paging controls navigate to the previous or next page of rule set entries. The current position is indicated by the page number. The total number of pages in the list is based on the number of records displayed per page. You can change the number of entries displayed on a page from 25 to 50 or 100.


  • Pre-contact or post-contact rule categories determine whether rule conditions are evaluated before the message is sent or after the message is sent.
  • Rule conditions are tested to determine whether to perform actions. Conditions can evaluate the value of a contact address, contact address type, contact column, last result by column, last result overall.
  • Before the message is sent, pre-contact actions can prevent the message from being sent, mark a contact address as not contactable, mark a contact as not contactable, or can update the value of a contact column.
  • After the message is sent, post-contact actions can append the contact to a DNC list, mark a contact address as not contactable, mark a contact as not contactable, or can update the value of a contact column.

For more information, see Pre-contact rules for digital campaigns and Post-contact rules for digital campaigns.

Use the Digital Rule Sets view to manage rule set entries. Each rule set can contain multiple rules. The system evaluates an individual rule before it sends a message or after the message is sent. A rule can evaluate multiple conditions. Conditions are joined with AND operators, so a message must meet all rule conditions for the overall rule to evaluate True. Similarly, rules can carry out multiple actions. Actions are also joined with AND when the rule performs actions sequentially. 


UI element Action


Opens the selected rule set to edit its properties. The Edit button is not available unless an entry is selected.

Copy Duplicates the selected rule sets. See Copy a rule set for more information.
Delete Deletes the selected rule sets. See Delete a rule set for more information.
Create New Adds a new rule set. See Create a set of rules for more information.
 Name Sorts rule sets alphabetically to display names in ascending or descending order. The caret in the Name heading indicates whether the column sorts in ascending or descending order. 
Search Entering all or part of a name filters the rule sets list to display matching entries. If you don’t type any search text, all rule sets appear. To remove the filter and redisplay all entries, click the x at the right end of the filter box. 
Rule sets list This list displays rule set entries. Clicking a rule set name opens its properties for editing. See Edit a set of rules for more information.

Paging controls navigate to the previous or next page of rule set entries. The current position is indicated by the page number. The total number of pages in the list is based on the number of records displayed per page. You can change the number of entries displayed on a page from 25 to 50 or 100.

