Purchase SMS long code numbers


  • Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 3, or Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital license
  • SMS > phoneNumber > All permission

To use the SMS features in Genesys Cloud, you must purchase dedicated numbers for your agents to use to send and receive SMS messages. SMS long code number are available in both DID or toll-free number formats.

You can purchase SMS numbers for use in many countries directly through Genesys Cloud. However, regulations in certain countries require that you submit additional documentation to purchase SMS numbers. Purchasing SMS numbers in these countries is a manual process.

  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Austria
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Czech Republic
  • Estonia
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Ireland
  • Italy (Beta)
  • Hungary
  • Lithuania
  • Malaysia
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Singapore
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

If you are planning on purchasing numbers in any of these countries, see the Required regulatory documentation for SMS number purchase  and the Manually purchase SMS numbers articles.

If you are planning to purchase numbers in a country that does not require additional documentation, you can follow the instructions in this article to use the SMS Number Inventory page to complete your purchase.

For more information on the costs associated with SMS numbers, see Messaging pricing.

Note: When you select numbers to use with SMS, consider your customers’ country of residence. The country can impact how they send and receive messages. For example, do they want to send messages to an international number without incurring charges? Also, sending SMS messages to international numbers can arrive with unexpected Sender IDs. For more information about Sender IDs, see ACD messages FAQs. 

The SMS Number Inventory page offers the capability to purchase numbers and also provides you with inventory of your numbers.

To purchase an SMS number, perform these steps:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Message, click SMS Number Inventory.
  3. When the SMS Number Inventory page appears, click Add Numbers and select Purchase.
  4. When the purchase form appears, fill in the appropriate fields to search for the number to purchase.
Field Description

Select the country in which you use the SMS number.


Select the type of number for your SMS messages. Options are:

  • Local
  • Mobile
  • Toll Free
Area Code Enter the area code of the number to purchase.
Region Enter two characters that identify the region, province, or state in which to use the SMS number.
City Enter the name city in which to use the SMS number.

Enter any specific numbers or letters you want your SMS number to have. (You must enter at least two characters.) Then, select how you would like the numbers/letters to appear in your SMS number. Options are:

  • Contains – the SMS number contains the letters/numbers you enter
  • Ends with – the SMS number ends with the letters/numbers you enter
  • Starts with – the SMS number starts with the letters/numbers you enter

  1. To view the available numbers on the search results page, click Search. At the top of the search results page, a synopsis appears of your search criteria along with a total of the numbers found. Three commands also appear:
    • To return to the purchase form and modify your search criteria, click Change.
    • To refresh the search results, click Fetch new results.
    • To exit the search results display, click Cancel.
Note: As you scan the search results page, you’ll notice that the column headers not only identify the number, country, region and city, but also indicate whether the number supports MMS. For example, if the number supports MMS, you’ll see a check in that column.
  1. Select the check box next to each number you want to purchase.
  2. Click Purchase Selected.
  3. When the Confirm Number Purchase dialog appears, click Buy.

This informs you that the number requires additional verification before you can use it to send messages. There is also a link to the Genesys Cloud support of 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) article that explains the 10DLC requirement and provides a link to the registration form.

  • Click Close. The SMS Number Inventory page appears.

You’ll see that the Status for the number shows Pending. The number will remain in Pending Status until you provide the required regulatory documentation via the registration form. For more information, see Genesys Cloud support of 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code).

You can use an existing address or you can create a new one.

Use existing address

If you have previously purchased a number that requires an address and have already filled in an address, Genesys Cloud stores that address:

  • Select Use Existing Address.
  • From the Select Address list, choose your address.
  • Click Buy Now.

Create new address

If you have never purchased a number that that requires an address, fill in the address form:

  • Select Create New Address.
  • Complete all boxes in the address form.
  • Click Buy Now.
Note: You must enter a valid two-character ISO country code in the Country Code box. If you are not sure what your ISO country code is, you can see the full list on the International Organization for Standardization website’s Online Browsing Platform.

Once the purchase completes successfully, the number appears in your SMS number inventory. For more information, see Manage your SMS number inventory.